I get a lot of shit when I tell people about this because it doesn't sit well with current (and generally accurate, I'm sure) opinion.
I didn't find it hard and I don't remember any cravings (I did the whole thing with patches, not fun but managable)
And before going any further I absolutely agree that not smoking is a GOOD THING. Smoking is NOT A GOOD THING.
I did not feel better or healthier or fitter...in fact if anything I felt the opposite. (though my doctor told me my blood pressure had gone down)
Yes, I got rid of the smokers cough. and catarrh. Instead I started catching constant colds and sore throats....about one a month. and my throat felt puffed up and tight all the time.
Instead of a dry nose and throat, I got runny ones...I dribbbled and had a constant dewdrop on the end of my nose.
I discovered the taste of really good expensive wine and a lot of not so nice tastes. Smell also.
I drank too much.
I'm sure I saved a fortune...and spent it all on wine.
I saved lots of rolling time but I don't remember having any more time for myself.
I got cramp...not just in normal places like legs and feet but, well sort of anywhere...I can't tell you how hysterically funny it is trying to go to the loo in the middle of the night with cramp in your bum. Nor how much calculation goes into turning over in bed to relieve cramp in one shoulder only to find that the attempt to move starts another one up under the ribs or down the opposite shoulder blade.
I put on weight...of course. It hasn't gone away yet.
I acquired two small extremely sore white patches on my tongue (see
for more of that.*
On the purely good side, I looked healthier and pinker and smelt better and my teeth looked nicer. I really liked the release from the tyranny of always having to get stocked up on lighters and papers and tobacco..and having to find time for a fag in between things and places to smoke. More space in my bag. cleaner house and desk. Nice.
Feeling ill and tired and fat and sore all the time. Nasty.
Would always reach for a drink when thinking, practising fiddle, working, instead of a cig. Very bad effect on thinking, fiddle playing and work.
I decided finally that drink was probably worse than cigs and the rewards weren't quite as advertised. had a couple of cigs and agreed with myself. I really did stick it out for three and a half years and until I actually smoked, I really didn't crave tobacco.
Put it this way. If I do it again, I shall have to find an alternative addiction or change something quite fundamental about myself.
Then god dammit, people ask why did I start again and when I tell them they say, nonsense, you made it up, you're justifying, it can't be true.
I spit on them. Metaphorically.
Tell you what though, I can tell the difference now, between really need a fag soon and just reaching out of habit. Sometimes don't bother with habit even.
*I haven't done that link quite right, but it's bed time!!