Monday, November 28, 2005

I really hate it when blogs I've been visiting stop.

My first thought is always, I've upset them and they've gone away.
then I think, they're ill, they've died, their computer has died, their spouse/partner/family/dog has died or is ill or has stopped them blogging.
then I think don't be silly, gone on holiday, got a temorary internet problem, will be back soon.
After a while I think it all again and worry....about people I only know from what I've read in their blogs and comments.
Not really ridiculous I suppose since these things do happen in the real world and the blog thing feels quite personal and close for all it really is a conversation between millions of people in the dark.

This is where my stepfather lived until he died. I believe it's been built over now. Stuff happens.


At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Mig! I have a friend who never updates his blog... I've recently decided to quit checking it all together. Oh well.

At 3:09 PM, Blogger concerned citizen said...

It seemed strange to me at first that this blogging thing could get so personal. But, I think us humans have a hard time differentiating emotions, I mean the shallow & the deep.
The truth is even tho blog is more intimate then chat rooms, because it is more personal in the journal sense. It is still not the same as face to face, where we read people in a deeper intrinsic sense, or should I say instinctivly?
So you can never really know someone w/out knowing them as psycical beings.

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Juggling Mother said...

It's polite to put up a holding post, saying I've given up/taken a holiday/moved URL's etc otherwise we never know, which is horrible. After all, thats why we read the blog in the first place - cos we're ridiculously nosy:-)

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Tabby Rabbit said...

It's strange isn't it - for most people you meet this way there is no other way to get hold of them to check they are okay. That concerns me too.

At 11:44 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I>t: I do agree you don't really know people you haven't met face to face. Except in a way, without the warnings and doubts generated by nonverbal messages, you know things about fellow bloggers you'd never know if you met them face to face.
Mrs Aginoth: Hi..I've just been nosy...what a fun blog you do if I may say so:)
tabby rabbit: I think I'm going to put my email address in just so people can let me know if they want to. Not much else you can do!


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