It's bloody cold tonight though.
I've decided to make a real effort to use bits of the camera I usually leave to the point and press function. There's this full moon and it's not going anywhere for a while and I could try doing things with exposures and oh well all that stuff you can do if you have time to read the manual before the subject runs away. Also I found my tripod the other day. I did moons yesterday without any of these things and the result was quite nice...but not quite right.
Fine. Ok. It seems auto does the job better than I can.
Although the moon shows no signs of running away, there are clouds encroaching on my photo shoot. And it's too cold for the batteries. I have to kep running inside to warm the batteries and check the manual. And to read the little pictures on the bit that you use to choose photography modes. And I have to take my glasses off to see the screen and put them back on to find the moon...well maybe that's a slight exaggeration). Each time I come in or go out the dog becomes convinced that this time he's coming too (fat chance...he'd only run off and raid someone's compost heap and then give me back his findings tomorrow). So while I'm pointing and pressing and swivelling things there's this disembodied dog poking out of the cat flap (unfortunately in deep shadow).
It's all part of the learning curve. And life's rich thingie. er, tapestry.
Oh, crap. Here In Canada, it is more than cold. The wind is awful and all we get is rain.
I hate snow, but could stand some.
This is a Beautiful shot, Mig!
Don't feel bad-it's cold in Ohio
too! Were suppose 2 get snow :(
Love your photography!
Hi, nice full moon.
Courtsey of
Patrick Moore's lot something else for you to look out next time you're hawking out in your garden in the middle of the night (what do your neighbours think of these shenanigans?)
>>November skyline: Sitting high across the faint Milky Way are three bright stars that form the 'Summer Triangle'. The top-left star of the trio is Deneb, the leading star of Cygnus, the Swan. Off to its right is the brightest member, Vega in Lyra, the Harp. Finishing off the triangle lower down is Altair, the main star of Aquila, the Eagle.
The Summer Triangle stars are easily visible, even from light-polluted areas.>>>
I might even venture out myself this evening...
Queenie. Alright's not so cold here, I just haven't got into winyer gear with clothes yet! And it turns out the batteries were flatttening out anyway. dead today:)
Thanks Starbender.
Hey Tabby Rabbbit, I like the PAtrick moore thing. will be out there tonight if the clouds lay off my sky one more time!
That's a stunning moon Mig. And made all the special by your heroic efforts to shoot the damn thing. Love the image of you trying to run ind warm the battery. I imagine it wrapped in a soft towel and popped in a low oven like they do in the movies or old novels with new born kittens and puppies and things that seem to be half dead.
See I'm prepared to suffer for my art (variation on theme introduced by comment on Urban chick's backache boots!), so the camera damned well has to suffer along with me.
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