Golly! This is my 501th post!
Fancy that!
And I'm spending it the same way I did the 500th...swivelling between laptop and pc. but I've got them closer together tonight so I can type the wrong things into both much faster!
Barney came in just now, looked horrified and said "Are you using two computers at once now???? I'm going to watch my programme!". and went before I could start explaining.
Well I'm not exactly using the other one...more like, it's using me!
Anyway, yesterday, as I arrived home, I glanced at my favourite view and saw a dozen or so deer grazing there. Last time this happened, I was too slow and they all fled just as I got there with the camera so this time I screeched to a halt and leapt out, camera in hand. Took dozens of pics, creeping down the field as inconspicuously as one can when wearing bright blue, and the deer were very co-operative and left in ones and twos as I got closer and closer. (not actually very close....it's all quite open and they couldn't fail to see me squelching creepily and brightly blue, across the field).
Great! Only the last thing I did before leaving Newbury was something with manual focus. So what with the anxiety about missing them altogether, I didn't. focus. at all.
So unlike Thursday's wonderful shots they are all very small and faint and blurred. But they were wonderful!
Oh well. As I was trawling through files of photos to save to DVD, I came across one called London Wetlands. Happy memory. Must go there again :)
Umm. It seems to be 02.19 and I haven't sent Barney to bed. I am a bad wife, leaving him asleep in front of the telly while I play with my two computers. Usually I wake him up, give him a cup of tea and assure him, as patiently as I can, that he really does want to wake up, go to bed and go back to sleep right now! At a fairly reasonable time.
So I've done that and now I may be on the last disc for 2006.
Sorry...still no photos tonight...But when I've finished backing up, got my printer working, slept for several days and taken a big breath and deleted all of 2006's photos from the PC I shall be new woman. Or something. I think I'd better have another biscuit (give that woman a biscuit someone) Oops, I nearly trod on the cat. Bring on the midnight cavalcade and let the horses of the apocalypse roam free. (I made that upon the spur of the moment and through a mouthful of biscuit...do you think it means anything? I watched Hogfather the other night, I think it went to my head)
My backing up has got to 'Christmas day' and 'the last rainbow of the year'. I'm nearly there!!!!!
I thank you all for being around while I saved all my photos from 2006...it would have been really boring (though maybe less grasshopper-ish) if I'd been all on my own :)
Well. just one faint blurry picture of deer then :) Leaping deer even!
Labels: backupandthenbackupagain, Do not go gently, Hogfather, take the biscuits away