Thursday, March 22, 2007

Consider water

I am. I'm drinking some now* and since the droughts last year or so I keep noticing how much I throw away. Trying to think of a use for all the left over water while outside rivers run high and water falls constantly from the sky.
I am experienced at profligacy so I know that all this water floating around and falling out of the atmosphere is a temporary richness. Come summer we may all be dry in spite of the floods and overflowing cups at present.
So consider water. Consider it well and lovingly and thriftfully...and if you think of a good use for it when the garden is already sodden, let me know!
Another reason for considering water is that it's soothing and refreshing to the mind, it sings and we are full of it. If we don't drink enough of it, our brains shrivel! And it's never boring...almost never. (Well sometimes it's boring to drink but you can always spill some and play with the puddles :)

*wine is nice but it's not really an adequate substitute. One would hardly say of the drought starved masses as Marie Antoinette might have done, "let them drink wine"!



At 2:29 AM, Blogger Mel said...

*happy, peacefilled sigh*

And now....I shall consider a bath.

WITH bubbles and a rubber duckie......or ten......

Absolutely marvelous!

At 4:04 AM, Blogger Kata said...

Wow...I've missed a lot recently! Sorry I've been blog slacking Mig..fabulous sheep photo a few blogs back! xx

At 9:33 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

wonderful wonderful wonderful

*content sigh*

thank you!

At 12:27 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Ooh I think I shall consider a shower Mel. In fact I shall go to sleep dreaming of showers.

Always lovely to hear from you Mangey...not to worry about slacking...tho I missed new things on your blog :)

It's a pleasure I, always :)


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