Yes, I saw it.....
Well what with all the dire warnings it would have been unusually dim of me to have missed it this time! We were all checking the barometer and the thermometer and the news as though we'd never seen snow before. The estimated depth varied from 6 cm to 7 inches. I expect the actual depth did too. Here, it was deep enough to wait for me to extricate myself from dogs, cats and husband in time to get a few shots.

(No! Really?)
It's been a confusing time here for the last week or however long it's been. Barney's been at home on unusual days, the day after Eldest fixed the email it broke again and I've been out with the camera five days in a row. Also we've been out in the evening twice and will be out tonight and tomorrow. And all my swimming and fiddle lessons have been cancelled as fiddle teacher is ill. I don't know if I'm coming or going...or whether I've been? And I don't know why it is that snow makes me feel as if nothing normal can be done*.
Anyway, the unaccustomed excercise (stumping around frosty, sunny, snowfilled and otherwise cold and difficult lanes and fields and woods) has had me collapsed in a stuffy stupor every evening! I did play with some of the several hundred pictures I've amassed...till the computer screen put me to sleep :)
Here's a frosty one from Sunday? Monday? Whichever day was gorgeously frosty :)

Next door's catoniasta has a new photo to offer whatever the weather :)

They were extremely lively piglets and most of the pictures came out as small brown blurs :)
So! More snow today for barney's birthday. This is nice as it means he gets to have his birthday at home instead of being up a cold damp roof in the wind and drizzle. He's currently struggling through a new stamp catalogue which is written in German in very small print. And he's looking to identify Peruvian stamps for his latest collection.** I think he's finding it a bit confusing.
I may have another chance at virgin fields tomorrow...or even later today. And there will be more pics (frosty, sunny and chilly) in a day or so if I don't fall asleep too often. It's all very well getting up in the morning but it does use up precious sleeping time. I'm not sure if this morning thing is a good idea after all!
Well I guess I've arrived back at my blog just as everyone else is shutting up shop for the weekend :)
Have a tremendous, safe, warm and snowy weekend everyone. (or just a tremendously nice one if you're not snowbound:)
*I mean it's not like a power cut when nothing normal can be done is it. Speaking of which.......
we haven't had one yet, don't tell anyone though.....
**He bought an incomplete album on a whim because Peru didn't make very many stamps so it shouldn't be too difficult to complete it. However, they made so few of some of the missing ones that they're very very rare and probably very very expensive. And there aren't a lot of collectors of Peruvian stamps so not that many opportunities to add to the collection. I don't really understand stamp collecting but the finished albums look very nice :)
Labels: snow frost cold feet winter sunlight normal confusion wild boar piglets
Wow...! Beautiful snow. Especially when it's a picture of! Love the wild cute!
Happy birthday to Barney!
Happy belated birthday to Barney! And yeah that he was given a day off to celebrate!
Great photos--it looks so much like Iowa, 'cept for the green grass underneath it all.
LOVE the gnarly tree in the field. PERFECT Halloween tree!
(only 262 days til it's here!!)
Thank you for the birthday wishes Mangey and Mel.
I'm hoping to get another shot at the boarlets..preferably on a warm sunny morning :)
happy birthday Barney!
and what gorgeous photos mig - you live in such a lovely part of the country!
catoniasta was a favourite plant of my mother's - doesn't it look wonderful with the snow!
I am wondering tho, if the piglets being at the farm shop means that they'll end up on someone's dinner table someday soon!!
It is gorgeous I and I am deeply content that I'm allowed to live here.
I think the piglets have a year or two's grace. By which time they'll have become hairy grunting tuskers. I'm not sure if that makes it ant better!
bit like kittens then, kinda loose their appeal as a grown-up
now I'm imagining one with an apple in it's mouth, all cooked to perfection, sliced on my plate next to perfect roast potatoes and with a huge dollop of apple sauce on the side
(not that I could quite manage a whole piglet on the table in front of me, but the imagining was interesting for a short moment!)
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