Friday, February 02, 2007

...this is internet perversity (insert M&S voice-over here)

"In Saudi Arabia, a woman may divorce her husband if he does not keep her supplied with coffee"*
This is all well and good, as long as the coffee is also good :)
Meanwhile, I need a private, personal webmaster, a visit from Eldest, or a course in email set- up and maintenance. Or a different book from the one which hid it's meanings behind simple words and three simple diagrams. Also, I need a map of how our emails are set up.

In order to calm the boiling confusion in my head, I shall attempt to explain, starting from THE END.

In the end, was the failure of Barney's email to function.

In between, mine seems to be proceeding in its usual disorderly fashion (somewhat more smoothly since eldest's last visit).

(You can skip the next part if you like, I'm sure it doesn't make any sense)
In the beginning, we had one computer, a dial-up connection (I'm not going to mention Eldest's computer or his seperate phone line nor any of the things that went with all that) a free email account with Freenetname and we each had an account, one for me and one for the business. At some point, it was decided that the family should have a website (now defunct) and there was something Freenetname wouldn't do so we opened an Eclipse account. To keep things tidy, we changed the email to Eclipse as well.
At some other point (posibly earlier than the change to Eclipse, we decided to have a business website and Eldest trawled through many many web hosting companies and we opened an account with and, if I remember rightly, made an email account to go with the business, also with
Are you with me so far or has your brain glazed over yet?....
We (maybe) now have one email and website provider for the family and another for the business. But what I completely fail to understand is why the outgoing smtp thingie for the business seems to be attached to Eclipse. Of course I also completely fail to understand why suddenly the business ( and maybe Eclipse as well) email suddenly doesn't work (and before you ask, yes it is plugged in).**
After a frantic yell to Eldest for help and advice I have spent a frantic evening trying to contact to ask if they've changed something without telling us... however, they don't seem to recognise our password, and of course, since we can't receive email from that account, we can't have a reminder. I've also scoured the knowledge base and have encountered a number of....well, things I might have to do or maybe shouldn't do under any circumstances, depending on the circumstances. See? No? well now you know why I have a mutton head. (boiled) Also a butter brains (churned). Oh and cold feet (draughts and panic).
Wasn't the weather nice today? Tralalalalala....lala }:#

And AAARRGGGH! Blogger's off again. No posting, no commenting, no pictures, no saving???? Oh broad and bloggy hell on a b b b b b b webcycle! I shall copy and paste and retire to a well earned bed and hope a horizontal alignment will soothe the raging storms of incomprehension before the inside of my head expands to fit a space larger than is available and I need an extension to house the whole internet and all its concepts.

Have you ever noticed how enormously much larger the space inside your head seems than would appear to be accommodated by the bits round the outside of it?

This morning in the cold light of day and after my brain has stopped heaving like a stormy sea, I recall that we opened the Eclipse account because Frenetname didn't do broadband. This doesn't seem to clarify matters much. Oh and Eldest gave me a wireless router but I really don't think the problem is inside that....this time. I suppose the Eclipse bit in the business email is to do with broadband.

I am seriously considering the man on the market who fixes/helps/sorts and generally understands computers. If he succeeded in helping Dorothy to get herself an email account and use it he ought to be able to explain quantam physics to me!

* (Strong absorbent trivia for the toilet- a truly excellent book)
** and switched on.

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At 2:55 AM, Blogger skinnylittleblonde said...

This WWW can be over whelming...I have umpteen email for friends, one for personal finance, two for one buss & one for another buss. Finally I have the junk email account, for novelty encounters on the web...
It's grueling to keep up with them all, but at least I don't have one email that gets 5000 emails a day.

At 2:57 AM, Blogger skinnylittleblonde said...

BTW, can you just have a MSN 'hotmail' or a yahoo account? It can go with you where-ever you go & whatever ISP you use. They are free email accounts. Just an idea.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Oh skinnylittleblonde, I am overwhelmed! and yes I have a hotmail and a yahoo account. Probably a google account too...who knows! *sigh*

At 1:08 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

And hey! how did you manage to comment when I couldn't post!!!! do you have some sort of direct line to the whole internet mystery?
The ways of the internet are hard to fathom:~

At 1:49 PM, Blogger Mel said...

*scratching head*

Yeah. How DID she do that?!

This is why I've no regrets over the tens of thousands of dollars invested in sending the girl off to school to learn computery things.
I call and whine and sniffle--she comes!

It's a great deal. LOL

I feel ya, Mig...I don't have an answer, of course, but I DO feel ya! ;-)

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Mel said...

BTW--no coffee in the house=grounds for divorce

Get it?
'Grounds' for divorce?

Go figure *I* found humour in it. LOL

At 11:35 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

ha ha ha mel!

I like this bit: "Have you ever noticed how enormously much larger the space inside your head seems than would appear to be accommodated by the bits round the outside of it?"

there is a tardis inside of all of us, it would seem

(personally I used to think it was my stomach, now I know it's my head)

(and, mind you, in my case the space is large but there's not much in there!)(which is why this is a me me me comment today, as I'm actually full of cold and have blurry eyes and can't really see the screen properly)

At 3:46 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Would the girl like a trip to the UK Mel? She could come and stay in a nice English house and we'd feed her and be very nice to her :).
*Grounds* LOL :) Yes, trust *you* :)

A tardis with a cold I? That sounds ucomfortable! Hope it gets better soon...I hate it when I can't see the screen properly (which reminds me I really need to get my eyes tested)!

At 10:25 PM, Blogger Mel said...

She's off for Ireland in a couple weeks, Mig.
Visiting with a friend she made on the internet a few years ago, noless!
(she IS her mother's child!)

Perhaps she'd be game inbetween trips to castles and bitty towns along the sea?

Lucky her!!

At 10:41 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

If she's in Ireland now I expect she'll be stuck there Mel! The Irish Sea isn't a calm one.


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