This weekend is going according to somebody else's plan
To start with we didn't go to Bampton for the first time in 32 years on the Friday ...having packed the tent(s), the pickup and the car*, Barney wasn't feeling well so we decided to go on Saturday morning (very early). Then he still wasn't feeling well so we decided to go tomorrow (probably very early). There were messages and discussions about campsite breakfasts. Sausages were collected (and no doubt will be cooked and eaten tomorrow morning before we arrive)
It being Youngest's birthday today, I went to the restaurant where she works, to deliver presents (rather crossly because I thought she'd drop in and collect them on her way to work). Still there were friends there and while I was waiting for her to have a free moment, I enjoyed their company. Then she appears, all rather elegantly mudstained down her front because the flowers her boyfriend had had delivered to the restaurant had fallen over and she slipped in the resulting wetness and broke 3 (empty) plates. This apparently endeared her to all the clientele. (I know this because most of them told me how lovely she was in spite of having fallen flat on her face in front of them all).
I was introduced to various customers outside in the (enormous) smokers' corner (as, this is my mum isn't she nice) and found myself discussing a mysterious trout restaurant in Oxford (not the one everyone knows but another one opposite a cemetary and near the Rugby club), the wonderfulness of my daughter and the comparative awfulness of waitresses in England (compared to those in America, France and somewhere else I can't remember) and the customers' children. I felt Youngest's mantle settling on my shoulders. I received compliments on her behalf and accepted them graciously. I drank only 1 glass of wine since I had to drive home soon. I babbled. So did the customers (all rich and male and....full of themselves, but sort of nice since they were unanimous in declaring youngest to be the best thing since sliced bread). I went to find Youngest and found myself joining her in polishing cutlery and exchanging enthusiastic farewells with yet more customers.
All this was so much not what I expected to be doing tonight that when her boyfriend phoned up and somehow I ended up chatting to him (!) I may have said something inapropriate. Or not..really I'm not sure. she didn't snatch the phone away so I guess it wasn't too bad.
There were some small children of other staff there too. We agreed that giving helium ballons to Youngest was a very good idea. The customers also agreed.
I mean, this is supposd to be a restuarant not a circus!!!
Isn't it?
I can see why she loves working there. I can see why they are happy to be employing the youngest restaurant manager in the country! I can also see why she never gets time off without a one else there can do what she does and sell vast amounts of extremely expensive wine at the same time as well as polishing cutlery at midnight. I think they should be paying her just to be there and get someone else to do the cutlery.
Well she and gorgeous babe will be joining us at Bampton on Monday and we are going tomorrow even if only for the day. I have acquired new insight into the restaurant trade and have had a very entertaining evening into the bargain. I think I may have given as good as I got too.
It's weird. This is one of the very small people who completely filled my life for 20 odd years. And (like the other two), has turned into something wonderful and exciting and magical for other people. How did they do that? I mean I know what crap they got given to start with.
I think what I'm saying is, the trouble and strife is worth it. If you're a parent, have don't allways do your best because you have your own agenda as well as theirs and even if you really try and live your life for them you still don't seem to be getting it right. But 15, 20 years on, you'll find they've done more than you could possibly have imagined with whatever you gave them.
And if you're a child (yes, I supose you must be somebody's child) have faith in yourself...your parents undoubtedly screw things up for you but you can still do more than they seem to think you can. You are your own person as well as theirs and you can do wonders with that.
I really really mean this. Have faith in your children. Have faith in yourself.
Do them and yourself the honour of trust.
They can do it, You can do it... learn all the screwed up stuff you try and teach and they tried to teach and still come out their/your own and extraordinary people.
I'm sorry, it's late and I ought to be in a campsite in Bampton and I had another glass of wine when I got home and my typing, grammar and syntax are all to pot. It's possible I've got sentimental also.
*the tents, the pickup and the car are still packed and I hope they've waited patiently and kept dry so far!
My parents never screwed anything up for me (although I am sure they tried!) Like you, they were just GOOD PARENTS. Good on ya, Mig. :-)Your offspring are lucky.
Those were good words parents did their best by me, but I still ended up screwed up in some fashion..then I realized it would only be considered screwed up by them and not I. Feeling chuffed with self at this particular moment. Thanks..xx
Excellent post Mig and clearly a wonderful mum who's turfed out Good Fledglings.
Happy birthday to the girl...and to the mom who taught her well.
Just so you know - you didn't start us off with crap at all. And you didn't screw us up, any screwing up was entirely voluntarily on our parts.
I have the best mum I could ever imagine having - and she's one of my bestest friends too.
On a less emotional note, that picture really makes me want to die my hair red again, it looks bitchin in that picture.
It most certainly does look bitchin Frangelita.
I like you when you are sentimental, mig!
(sod the grammar and the syntax and the speliing and the typing; bring on more wine)
this is a wonderful post
and yes, quite clearly
you are wonderful
(hope Barney's feeling better?)
Ooh! cast your bread upon the waters (liberaly laced with good wine) and it comes back manyfold and makes me go all pppink.
Thank you all :)
I mean, of course, liberally.
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