Tuesday, August 05, 2008

And yet more filing

and also deleting, processing and moving files around with increasing but probably misplaced confidence.

It's becoming a sort of reflex. Sit down at the computer and look at a few hundred holiday pics and start working on 'just another one'. If I ever get through them all I won't know what to do with myself!
Earlier this evening I stood by the back door, breathing in the night breezes and enjoying the peace. And the company of one dog (peeing copiously) two cats (looking expectantly at me - I don't know why, they'd been fed hours ago) five slugs (all heading at rocket speed - as far as they were concerned - for the top of the steps) and five hundred moths (heading sort of anywhere but definitely at rocket speed).
And now I'm definitely not, under any circumstance at all, going to do 'just one more pic processing'. I'm going to bed.
No! Not another one...not even that one.
Good Night and sleep the sleep of the deserving. We all deserve a good night's sleep.

(sorry, there were going to be pics but blogger threw a boggley and now they've gone awol - tomorrow maybe. Internal errors indeed! Exactly where, internally, may I ask?)


At 10:30 AM, Blogger OvaGirl said...

blogger did the same to me Mig...and, I love the bees...

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Betty F said...

Even though you weren't able to post any photos, You painted a beautiful photo of life right outside your door.

At 7:17 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

exactly - I was standing there on the back step with you for a while

and it was very centering, in a really good way

thank you!

At 12:05 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

At least blogger is even-handed in these things ovagirl. Glad you like the bees :)

Pity it was too dark and the wild life were too spread out to take a photo Betty :) It was one of those little moments where everything seemed perfectly acceptable - even slugs - though I shut the door quite firmly before any of them could rocket in :)

Sometimes a small inventory is quite a centre-ing thing to do I , like a full stop. You know, dog, cats, slugs, moths and a night breeze is enough to end the day with :)

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Mel said...

*happy sigh*

I'll stand with ya any day of the week, ma'am....

As long as there aren't any June Bugs.
I hear one of those suckers and I'M moving at rocket speed! LOL

At 12:07 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I'll be with you Mel. I can't stand those creatures at all. Not zooming at you like aeroplanes nor crashing into lights and lampshades nor missing their aim and landing upside down on the windowsill and waving their legs about helplessly.
If they can't fly without crashing they didn't ought to have licenses is what I think. And then needing to be rescued!


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