Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Golly it's quiet!
Father and Sister in Law and lovely daughter have gone and me and the dog are wondering where everyone is! But there's just us! (The cats must be sleeping in the sun somewhere)
And the sun is still shining :)

One of the things I shall miss is the sound of Sister in Law's delightful full throated laughter echoing from the garden or from upstairs or downstairs or somewhere around the house. And the occasional encounters with the lovely, leggy teenager (girls of that age are so beautiful but so - absent).
Father in Law will also be missed - he's such a flirt and so mischievous :)

Now one of the things I have never understood, is how do people make poached eggs. Either the straight into a saucepan of boiling water variety or the kind we always used to have, cooked in a little egg poaching pan above boiling water. Today I had the interesting idea of having a poached egg on top of smoked mackerel pate on toast. However, instead of my usual egg with a satisfactorily runny yolk but slightly undercooked white I managed to make one which had an overcooked yolk and a sloppy white. How did I manage that?
It still worked quite well I must say and if I ever do succeed in poaching an egg properly I hope I'll have some smoked mackerel pate to hand as well!

Speaking of things that happened without my conscious intention, after a surprisingly un-painful visit to the hygienist the other day, I found that I had walked into Jessops and emerged with a new macro lens for the camera. Now I really have no idea how that happened! I certainly hadn't planned to do anything like that ?:-o
(Sssh! don't tell anyone - I still haven't quite got to terms with the idea that I did that, so I haven't told anyone yet!)

And now I'm waiting for a large amount of lamb to arrive which Barney ordered at the pub the other night. I'm quite sure we agreed to have half a lamb but he's got a whole one and I'm not sure it'll go in the freezer! More things that happened without my full consent and intention!

Perhaps I should just abandon intentions altogether :)

Sweet Pea BeeAnd strange flowerCourtesy of new lens :)
'Night :)

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At 8:21 PM, Blogger Sorrow said...

ahhhh the best intentions!
but look at the new pretties!

At 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay new lens!

At 9:00 AM, Blogger OvaGirl said...

Your pictures always make me breathe more deeply Mig. These are so lovely. And your rain/cloud ones are stunning.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Betty F said...

These photos are beautiful. Very excited to hear about the lens. I love just looking at new ones on line! :)

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Don'tcha just hate when things JUMP off the shelf and straight into your shopping basket like that?!
Darn things sometimes follow me home!

Last night it was a wireless router...LOL It just followed me home like some lost kitten!!

I won't end up with pretties like yours, of course.....but patio weblogging does sound kinda nifty keeno cool. :-)

At 8:34 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Intentions are useful Sorrow and I quite like it when things seem to happen all by themselves too :) and now I have new stuff to learn which is always fun.

Yay and thank you 'shot :)

Thank you ovagirl. (your stories life with the lovely tomato boy make me breathe more deeply too - after the laughter has subsided :)

I find them a bit alarming on line Betty, it was finding myself in the shop with one attached to the camera that did it :)

Just loathe it Mel! Thank heavens some of these evil animated bits of shopping sometimes turn out to be useful :) Now a wireless router is a very very useful thing :) I'm looking forward to the patio blogging :)

At 9:48 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

gorgeous photos - I love macro lense functions, so I can only guess how exciting a whole lens must be!

good for you!! (but mum's the word, eh)

here is some music and some love, all the way from SW15:

♫♪♪♫♫♪ ♪♫♫♪ ♪♫



At 9:48 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

(lense/lens? Confused of SW15 I think!)

At 9:40 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Not such a long way really :)
OOOH! It works :) Thank you thank you - last time I tried that (copying a word symbol) I just got JJJJJJJJJJ when I pasted it into the blog)
♫♪♪♫♫♪ ♪♫♫♪ ♪♫ :)
:)*singing happily*

I always have that problem with lens(e)s. I can't believe it's just lens!


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