Wednesday, November 21, 2007

In sickness and in health and of weddings and wealth*

Sometimes the other half of my life is a bit overzealous in the interpretation of our marriage vows. Really I didn't require him to share his cold. I didn't need to find out personally how it's more of a sore throat with chesty cough kind of a thing. Though I suspect the rest of the cold with snotty nose and bunged up head is following on behind.
And I felt that the dental hygenist, though outwardly sympathetic, failed to understand how much I didn't want her to prod my teeth or scrape them or polish them. Not only did she blithely poke and scrape and polish but she suggested two hour long appointments to tackle the deeper corners and pits with the assistance of injections and the dreaded pneumatic tartar smasher. Oh and she dealt with the sore throat part pretty briskly by giving me something to gargle with. Great!
"and what's your long term plan for your teeth?" she asked alarmingly. "Oh I just thought I'd hang on to them as long as possible?" I gargled. She gave me a "Hmm" kind of look and pointed out that smoking wasn't doing them any good. I had a nasty feeling she was going to suggest major mouth reorganisation. Ooh! I don't want to think about that.
I'd much rather think about wedding dresses.
Today, me and Fran went wedding-dress-a-hunting.
Amazingly, the first one she tried on looked absolutely the part. In spite of the badly concealed efforts of the assistants to wow us with more expensive full price articles, garnished in many ways to resemble toilet roll holders, cakes, barbie dolls and other such weddingy stuff, we both, at the end of half an exhausting day and two lengthy trying on sessions, felt pretty confident that the first one was going to be it! So she cancelled tomorrow's appointments and tomorrow we're going to go and talk about hems.
She's going to look beautiful :)

:) :)

:) :) :)
I am a proud mum :)

Right. Barney's made dinner and we've et and it was very very nice and I've got to go and be ill now otherwise he may feel I didn't actually need him to cook.
Don't get too close - you don't want to catch it from me.

*We won't mention the actual wealth part. It won't break the bank totally. Might just leave it a bit the worse for wear. Unlike the hygenist, whose continued attentions may cause the bank to offer me a loan. You know how they do whenever you're feeling as though you've overspent a bit?
I notice that Blogger arranges labels alphabetically. 'ugh' was supposed to go with dental hygeine, not with shopping or wedding dresses.

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At 1:08 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Oh good grief.....feel better. (admit it at your leisure and reap the rewards of more cooked meals, of course. LOL)

Wedding dress shopping!
Oh, what a happy time for mom and daughter.

What AM I saying!!
I meant for OTHER people....lots of other people....but not this person....ever...well, not til she's at least 30...or 35. Maybe even 40?

At 9:25 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I'm looking forward to the feeling better bit Mel :) Perhaps tonight. He wants me to stay in bed (but me and Fran do have a small important task to perform) and he's offered to cook again :) I shall provide him with ingredients :)
Just trust your girl :) She'll find someone you can love too:)

At 2:40 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

I'm a few days behind you on the cough cold flu sore throat front

but popping over here always brings such joy into my life that I'm feeling a little cheerier now, thanks!

At 1:19 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Oh, I hope yours isn't as bad as mine! I so hate colds! But if it's the same one it doesn't last very long.
It's always a delight to find you've been here too:)


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