Sunday, September 23, 2007

The source

Of the Thames.
We're going looking for it tomorrow.
I've googled it and google earthed it and hunted round assorted maps. I think we'll find it....
Other people have and have left photos on Flickr and descriptions of walks and all sorts of stuff.
If we find it and don't disappear into the wilderness (unlikely as there are villages nearby and it's only a few miles from Cirencester) I'll let you know tomorrow :)
Or the next day as it may be very exhausting and involve lengthy visits to pubs (for directions, you understand) and late returnings (if we do get lost).
Have a lovely Sunday :)

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At 1:44 PM, Blogger Mel said...

Oh Mig.....what a fun adventure!

I do hope you have a lovely time of it and the weather allows for a glorious day.

Safe journey!

At 9:28 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Thanks Mel, the weather was lovely and we did see all sorts of good things :)


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