Sunday, April 15, 2007

Next, spoilt for choice really!

Well I could stick all the sets of photos, I've just prepared, onto their card blanks. I could work out how much the card blanks, envelopes, printing paper, sellophane wraps, ink, frames, and anything else has cost.
Then I could look up card blanks on the internet and find out how uneconomical I'm being so far!
I could rearrange the picture package in Photoshop so that I can get five cards on a page instead of four (the blank bit at the bottom of each page is flashing £ ($) signs at me each time I cut out a batch and it's driving me nuts)
I could try out some cheaper paper (usually the colour comes out crap but it's a different brand so you never know it might work)
I could dismantle and dust the cutter.
I could make a cup of tea.
I could fill up the dishwasher and tidy the kitchen.
I could blog.

Oh look, I seem to have made a cup of tea and started blogging....almost without noticing I was doing it.
Sensible decision don't you think?

Today we saved a hedgehog. At least I hope we did. It was all sad and not properly curled up near our back door and didn't move out of the sun or trundle away or anything. Had a nasty injury on a back leg and some chunks of prickle missing. So I covered it up and gave it some water and rang the RSPCA and then followed instructions and put it in a box and didn't give it any bread and milk. Apparently they have milk and wheat intolerance.
Later an RSPCA girl came and took it away to stay with a nice lady who looks after sick hedgehogs :) And by the time she came, it was standing up and sniffling around an empty water bowl so I felt we'd done all right there :)
Sadly I was so impressed with our new, hedgehog saviour status that I forgot to take any pictures of it. but it was very cute, if a little bedraggled and battered.
The last time I saved a hedgehog, it was a lost baby, years and years ago, in Devon. I read all my wild animal books and concluded that it needed slugs. But it didn't seem to be able to manage them full size so I nobly cut the horrible things up for it. Which worked fine for the hedgehog but was such a totally disgusting, sticky, slimy and difficult job that I could hardly eat for several days. (you wouldn't believe how hard it is to cut up slugs with a blunt kitchen knife and it's almost impossible to get the slug bits off the knife afterwards. Mum wasn't at all impressed!)
And then one day I caught the little bugger cheerfully hunting down and eating his own full size I banished him.

I think I shall stick some cards together now.

After that I went and found some magnolia
And some blossom
That's better :)

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At 3:16 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Since himself is allergic to pet hair, I'm thinkin' a hedgehog would be perfect!
But alas....we have none here, dangit.
Well, leastwise not in Iowa.
That I know of.
YET! ;-)

At 10:53 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

wonderful magnolia!

I'm sighing at the blossom - I love it at this time of year

I remember the hedgehogs we used to find in our garden when I was little (well, younger!) and we lived in Cheltenham

haven't seen one for years

well done you - let's hope it gets better!

At 2:29 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

No hedgehogs?
Oh Mel, I'll have to send you one.
Everyone needs hedgehogs :)

It's like the sun coming out isn't it I. Blossom and bees and lovely things waving in breezes.


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