And suddenly
We're off to Romney Marsh tomorrow. Kindest friend is going to dog/cat sit, room booked for the night and exhaustive study of wikipedia and multimap and all sorts of useful internet stuff tells me that not only can we travel on the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch railway but we can also see the village and harbour that feature in my most favourite childrens' books from verylongago (wish for a pony - Monica Edwards) and Derek Jarman's Garden at Dungeness.
Good heavens...spell check hasn't heard of wikipedia! Madness!
And before we go I AM GOING TO GET MY HAIR CUT!!!!! So I'll be able to see all these marvels..or as many of them as we have time for :)
Sorry, no time for links, I have to be up and rushing early and need to think a little bit about packing!
yay! :)
I am a quite cheerful bunny all of a sudden :)
Have a lovely time when I'm away and sleep well tonight :)

Labels: Derek Jarman, dungeness, dymchurch, hair cut, hythe, piglets, railway, romney marsh, trough of bowland, Westling
Oh my how they've grown.....
*squeezing eyes shut at the thought of them becoming someone's dinner*
Safe journey, Mig...and have a grand time!
Derek Jarman's garden - how wonderful
looking forwardto the photos already
aren't the piglets gorgeous
(have a lovely time!)(sorry was thinking of gorgeous piglets!)
Happy Easter to you and himself, Mig!
Is she back yet? Is she back yet?
Nope....not yet.....
She must be having a good time!
Thank you both, I did have a lovely time and am back :)
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