Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Flap flap witter

Nothing to do with pigeons, just the current state of my mind.
Suddenly it's got to that stage where we will be leaving...flying away even...in a few days.
Due to my infatuation with my fiddle teacher's sewing machine I've hardly got anything organised and I can't get my head round the fact that we'll be leaving stuff at a hotel while going to game parks and then needing it all again for the last few days in Mombasa.
Also, rather oddly, I realise that whenever I pack to go away I base my clothes choices around what bits of jewellery I want to wear.
We have been advised not to wear any in Kenya. I just don't know what to take. I find myself thinking "well I won't need those trousers because I won't be wearing those earrings". But I'll still need to wear clothes for heaven's sake!
And for some other reason, the keyboard has suddenly decided that shift 2 = @ not "...Ah, and shift @ = ".
Can anyone tell me how to disabuse it of this misapprehension?

Blogger still says it can't upload pictures. the money is dry now and the bag is being heaped with stuff so we've definitely missed the boat there. (sorry this sounds like nonsense, see last post)

I will probably post during the next few days because I shall keep thinking of things to say and worrying that I won't be able to again for an unimaginable length of time (A whole less than two weeks).
I may not get round to visiting or I shall visit but not feel able to think of thoughtful things to say! so probably won't say anything except maybe "witter witter". If I do say anything please don't take it down and use it in evidence against me...I'm sure I'm not responsible for my thoughts.
Any posts I do will probably contain lists or maunderings about what I have or haven't done for the trip.

Now I've got to go and flap..and since I started changing an old and no longer suitable silk shirt into a new and slightly more current looking one I had better finish it as I really ought to give the sewing machine back tomorrow. I'm not sure what to do with the sleeves.

Oh and I've discovered a thing. Silk can be really unhelpful about ironing, clinging to it's creases and crumples obstinately. But you can use a very hot iron as long as you do it very quickly. What's more it can go in the tumble dryer as long as it's on the cool bit of it's cycle. Mine has a ten minute cool bit at the end . Works a treat. But don't quote me. Test on a part of the garment that won't be visible after you've scorched/ shrunk/crinkled/crisped it.

Update: I cut them off. The sleeves I mean. Not bad.

Update: Finally blogger let me play. See, new bag with pockets!

And clean, wet money.


At 6:10 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Geeze, I'm getting excited FOR you.

The girl did South Africa and left 'stuff' at the hotel for days whilest she traipsed around. Seems it's common place--it'll all be good!
You're going to have such a grand time of it.
I can't wait for the photos and tales of far away places.
(blogger WILL work--we'll have a good talk with it in your absence!)

I can't relate to matching clothes with jewelry...LOL..cuz I'm just not that into jewelry.......YET.

Count 'em down, Mig. And get ready to have an awesome time--wrinkled silks shirt or not.

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Mel said...

Oh LOOK.......photos from the table!
(still qualifies! LOL)

Nice bag--though I'd be going pocket to pocket to find what it was I was looking for. Silly me would have to have a cheat sheet on where to locate which thing. LOL

At 10:51 PM, Blogger hannah said...

How exciting, its not long now!

your money washed up really well, I have done that before, but not with £20s.

I hardly iron anything but the tumble drier is great at getting creases out of everything. my mum uses her hairdrier too, as you dont even have to take crumpled item off then (you will be wishing you had indulged in the tiny hairdrier after all.) did you get the cameras beanbag made?

At 11:01 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

oh I put my comment on the wrong post

never mind, eh?

I'm kind of missing you already whilst at the same time looking forward to your return whilst at the same time hoping you really enjoy yourself and also hoping that time doesn't rush past too quickly when you're there

need a hole in the fabric of space time to sort that one out to suit everybody really, don't we!

(maybe you have an iron or a sewing machine or a specialist technique for dealing with such holes?)

At 1:11 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I may well need a cheat sheet Mel, But I get so pissed off with feeling around in the pit for my glasses or my lense cap or money and not being able to find it among the mobile phone, other lenses, spare batteries and pens. Not to mention hand cream and heartburn stuff. Which reminds me, need to get a white marker for the lenses (all neatly in identical little black cases)

Good quality money that, Hannah! (unlike the note). And yes, camera has it's very own bean bag. Hmm. Hairdryer, yes, good thought. I wonder if it will smooth out crumpled travellers too.

I hope the flight times will maintain the fabric of the universe in it's proper space time continuum I but I shall certainly be thinking of you all when I'm away.

At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm amazingly impressed that you consider jewellery before clothing -that's exceedingly cool Mig.

At 10:53 PM, Blogger Kyahgirl said...

oh boy, I have you have a fun and safe journey.

At 1:23 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I suppose it's more to do with sets of colours...feel like aquamarine today so that's the earrings and stuff, where's my pale turquoise Tee shirt.
It's all beige and brown this holiday so as not to frighten the animals. (or attract the mossies!)

Thanks Kyah, I hope so too :)

At 3:45 AM, Blogger Kata said...

Diggin' the bag photo as we get to look at the photos on your walls as well!

Have an awesome trip. *pouting jealously*

At 9:46 PM, Blogger Sam said...

I am loving that cardi on the back of the chair!


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