Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Well that was a piece of cake

I'll go and have one! A very small piece.

Ah! finally. Pictures.

Sorry, got to go to bed now! We can all look at them tomorrow.

G'night :)


At 12:52 AM, Blogger Mel said...


Gosh...I haven't had cake in......forever.

*mumbling about the confused workings of the innards as of late*

Haven't had that in forever either!

Small wonder I've been grouchy?

*looking forward to the photo additions*

Sleep with angels, Mig!

At 2:22 AM, Blogger Sorrow said...

wondering what kind of cake?
something with fresh strawberries?
and perhaps some lavender?
When the brocade nightmare is over I'm going to bake..
yes indeed!

At 9:17 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Well I haven't been eating anything that might upset teeth Mel so now they're all replaced and removed and sort of fixed I'm indulging in the odd sweetie thing :)
Poor insides, you :(

Lemon drizzle cake Sorrow, in tiny squares, and then tiffin :)
Must be nearly time to escape from the - brocade!! Golly no wonder you're ready to be done with it! Why would one choose to wear curtains, however beautiful! (And I'm sure you will make it beautiful)

Thank you for the angels Mel :)

At 10:02 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

hmmmmmmmmm. . . lemon drizzle cake. . .


for some reason, when reading this little piece of writing, I started thinking of a cake my mother used to make - "blurtkaka" (from Norway)

take a couple of sponge layers, soak them in pineapple juice (from a tin of pineapple) (really Norwegian, eh!); put whipped cream on the top of one and then some pieces of pineapple, put the other on top of that and more whipped cream pineapple pieces on top of that; pipe whipped creams up the edges

chill for a little and then serve - the sponge and whipped cream just dissolve in your mouth, leaving the pineapple pieces. . .

course, you gotta like tinned pineapple for this cake to work for you

but if you didn't, I suspect you could make it with tinned mandarin oranges instead!

At 5:19 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Ooh I think I could go for the really norwegian pineapple version :)


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