Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Order, order

In the house. I'm going to make some. There has to be a way to get some of the stuff that currently lies around in heaps into places where the heaps will become stacks or piles or something less objectionable and disorganised than heaps?
Meanwhile, I've rediscovered my template. Gradually, my bog roll is beginning to match my RSS feed list.
(Oh sorry, that was blog roll of course - the bog roll's run out)

In other words, the rain has finally got into my head and turned the contents into a big soggy cotton wool-like mass. I shall put up a big sign saying
Headworks from today until further notice. Expect delays. Follow diversion signs (What diversion signs, I haven't got any diversions!)

Oops. I had a diversion today. Locked myself out. But as it turned out, a search for keys given to other people led to rescue, cups of tea and wonderful company so it just goes to show that clouds have silver linings after all.
Now I am reverting to cotton wool mode as we had a band practice tonight and I'm slightly used up and worn out. Got a gig on Saturday and lack of practice really shows up. Let's see, I have 2 and 1/2 days to get some of it back together. Hmm.
So no more stopping to snap churches in passing (who am I kidding)
And no more trips to see how the floods are going (that won't be so hard as they're subsiding)
Mfff. Cotton wool. Really, really I ought to gop to bed now and see if I can get the head working by tomorrow!
Sleep well. We all deserve it.


At 11:20 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

hope the practising works out, and if not the adrenalin of the gig willklick in and work wonders on the night

noone ever notices if you fluff it anyhow (she writes, from many experiences!) - the trick is to always look as if what just happened was supposed to and keep smiling and not grimace!


cotton wool is nice and soft and comfy to sleep in, I'd imagine


At 2:20 PM, Blogger Mel said...

Ah--well, the trick for me is to 'do it anyway''s not required that I wanna do something to get off my duff and do it.
If it were...*sigh* I'd be screwed. LOL

Pulling myself up by my boot straps and getting on with it has to happen.
I think.

*checking* heels on today so no bootstrap pulling for me!
I'm thinking that means I can whine and carry on and be miserable all I want!


I like the sounds of cotton wool at the moment, btw....and fiddle music, and old churches along the roadside...(which by the way made me smile.....)

Sleep well.
There's such a thing? ;-)

At 6:36 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I absolutely rely on the adrenalin I, and I've always found that a hysterical giggle when it all gets really out of hand covers up a multitude of sins. (of course, you can't do that if you're singing :)
And the advantage of a head full of cotton wool is that it blocks out all sorts of extraneous noise so, a good, and comfy, night's sleep :)

I wonder Mel if that's my problem! I require that I 'want to do it' at least a little bit. Except going to the dentist of course. There's no way I'd ever want to do that!
Anyway, in the absence of bootstraps, I'll just join you in a good whine and carry on if I may :)


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