Ok so if it's not one thing

(ie blogger) it's the whole www!
I blame BT.
Something funny going on - either out there in the www or inside here in this box of virtual tricks.
I can't make a deduction about which cos it's just behaving randomly. But since I'm now, randomly connected,*shrug*, I'm not going to throw a screaming wobbly just now.

And was rewarded as I deserved* :) I saw swans, cormorants, and of all things, a stoat! Also deer. And, if not exactly a castle, certainly a manor!

(Oops, something is going on again. My netgear router thingie is flashing and blogger tells me it can't connect. So what's new)
Oh! and now Blogger is unavailable - well clearly it's a random day - since, Oh look, blogger is back again!
Clearly anything could happen. Or not happen as blogger and the rest of the www decide.
Oh I can't be doing with this flip flopping between canIcan'tI, willitwontit. I shall save it, publish and be damned and go back to Earthsea where I went when it last went wwwol.**
I may or may not be able to visit anyone tonight. In case not, I am sending out random thoughts of everything being really really nice in every possible direction :)
Sleep well :)
*because I made sure I went to the sort of place where I might see such things, though the stoat was a completely unexpected gift.
**w-where with out leave
Stupid blogger......*muttering*
It's everywhere, it's everywhere!
And the highlight of the evening was getting here, justthesame and seeing the photos.
Ummmmmm....what's that critter?
Looks like a red weasle. LOL
I want one!
It's a stoat. Not wanting to curb your enthusiasm Mel but they eat small rodents, possibly even ground squirrels.
Though not quite as bloodthirsty as Weasels they are the next size up. And still very small!
ahhh here you are! The Web went wonkers today..and last night too! i tried to get over here, but couldn't get any of blogger to work. Not sure it was blogger or the web.GRRRRRrrrrr.
Lovely photo's! truly!
I have never seen a stoat, seen a weasel, some where near the coast. Scary looking things, black beady eyes.
Love the one of the swan caught in the sunlight...(big smile)
I am so glad you like the link! I thought it worked so nicely! Did you put your cursor over it?
~smile~ what to do when your uninspired and had a rotten week? why fiddle with your blog of course!
The best of light and shadow to you!
(am constantly being let down my the BT HomeHub thingy this end)
lovely lovely lovely photos - that third one down is perfect for the W de la M poem of the other day
are you able to tell me the difference between a reed and a rush BTW, one of the rabble asked
and what a gorgoues country lane, with that huge (oak?) tree. . .
you live in a beautiful part of the world - and it's wonderful that you share it with us
Brilliant blog fiddling Sorrow :) The cats brought in a live baby stoat once - such tiny ferociousness you wouldn't believe!
Glad you like the pics :)
Pfffttt! as Mel would say! to the www. It's only good when it works! (but then it's very very good)
Thank you I,
Oh! reeds and rushes! Well I know reed has a tall hollow stem and a feathery top. And seems to have flag like leaves growing on the main stem. I'm not sure what sort of tops rushes have (apart from bullrushes) but I think the leaves are blade like and many. Like Iris leaves?
The world is beautiful. Thank you (all) for sharing it too :)
*changing mind*
NO stoat.....NONE, pass, thanksverymuch.
Poor Mikey went to Boston to visit family--(that's the story I'm wanting to believe--or the cat next door surely is in BIGbig trouble....)
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