Sunday, December 30, 2007

The delights of modern shopping

One of which is having a special card which lets me scan my own shopping with a gadget I collect when I start and then hand in when I'm done so I don't have to queue up and wait for the girl at the till to scan it for me.
All well and good.
Barney has caught 'the cold' and is depending on a concoction involving ginger wine and rum to help him endure it. We ran out of rum and I went to Waitrose and using my personal scanner, collected a new bottle for him. As they do, this bottle had an electronic security tag on it which, usually, the girl at the till clears and removes for you (tag in the form of a cover over the whole of the top of the bottle). However, on this occasion, I forgot I had it and the electronic tag apparently doesn't tell the computer it's there once it's been scanned. So I brought home the bottle of rum still tagged.
Barney says "Oh good, you've got me some more rum".
Only, we can't get the tag off!

Well not without the help of pliers, wire cutters, knives and finally, with much cursing, a hacksaw.

I'm afraid I laughed quite a lot. He didn't see the funny side much but I bet he tells the story to everyone tomorrow :)

I am a bit surprised that the tag didn't tell the whole shop I was walking out with it. In fact I'm surprised the tag doesn't tell the till that the customer has an item that needs desecurifying. I'm also quite surprised that I've never bought a security tagged bottle there before!

Well. Tomorrow is the last of the events in this year's Christmas festivities and the last one of the year...NYE party. I need to do something preparatory. Not quite sure what but no doubt I'll think of it all soon.

In case I don't get round to any blogging tomorrow, Happy New Year to you all.


At 9:39 PM, Blogger Mel said...

*laughing hardily*

Oh, I can just see himself straddling the bottle with the hacksaw in hand. LOL
Dangit that I can't be a mouse in the corner for some of this stuff--but thanks for giving such a fine account that I have little trouble seeing it in my mind's eye.
(next time, snap a photo! LOL Himself would be THRILLED, I'm sure!)

Happy, wondrous, AWESOME New Year to youself and himself, Mig!

I can't wait for those handy cards and scanners to find their way over here!
With my luck they'd tag Coffee cans and I'd be thoroughly panicked and looking for the hacksaw, too! ;-)

At 12:59 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Oh wondrous New Year to you too Mel :) and may it contain as much java as you can manage (that would be quite a lot?)
As well as happiness to you and yours:)

(no pictures of frustrated bottle openers though...might get a tag breaking tool thrown at me :)

At 4:53 AM, Blogger Mel said...

LOL Joyous New Years to you and himself!



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