Wednesday, December 26, 2007

peace, perfect peace

They've all gone home, Fran to work, poor love, Youngest to prepare for the descent of us, Great Grandad, Sister in Law and SiL's lovely daughter, for dinner on Friday. Also to feed soup and pharmaceutical stuff to her partner who has flu - either of the man kind or the other kind.

Youngest and partner took their three children to Lapland to meet Father Christmas just before his busiest day. Apparently a very good time was had and the children (got up at four in the morning in order to catch their flight) were convinced that the whole trip was MummyDaddy's idea of a fun way to go out for breakfast until they actually arrived in Lapland. I believe the reindeer rather gave the game away :)
Well and while having a great time in Lapland, Partner proposed to Youngest :) Presenting her with an enormous diamond in a glass of champagne (in lieu of doing it under the Northern lights which regrettably failed to materialise on time)!
If you have the money, it's easier to do the thing romantically I guess but full marks to Partner for making sure the children didn't have any noses put out of joint.
Sadly the whole family failed to notice the amazing ring when they came over for Christmas. We all had to be told. I think she's forgiven us :)

We tried very hard not to over-eat yesterday. I don't think we quite succeeded and certainly there was some overindulgence of the alcoholic kind. Whatever the reason, I had to go and have a little (2 & 1/2 hour) nap after dinner. Well it did take me till 2.30 am to finish wrapping the presents and do a quick round of all my flickr contacts and blog friends on Christmas Eve so maybe I can be excused.
The dog and the cats got Turkey giblets for their Christmas treat. This was a risky undertaking as far as the dog's concerned...he has a delicate stomach (and a quite indelicate way of revealing any unsuitable eating). However, he was fine. Though during the afternoon there was some of that happy, family business of "Pfooar!! Who did that?!! " No smug/guilty/smirking faces round the table but a small, pointy innocent one underneath said table. Hmm. Worth it for his happiness when he got the treat.

On Friday, Eldest took a photo of a bagged cat*
On Saturday, I offered sausage roll to a blackbird (Mrs Blackbird, hence a brownbird) while shopping. Fortunately I took the photo first because as soon as she'd got her goodies she hopped down behind a bin and wouldn't come out again,

On Sunday, We met Thursday and Joe Brown (and a few other people...well quite a lot of other people really) at the pub. We spent some time outside in the smoker's corner.

On Christmas Eve I went shopping and there was a big moon in the car park. (I wonder if it'll be in the sales?)
And on Christmas day after dinner there was a rather steamy sunset. I can't think where all the steam came from unless Barney was boiling a kettle for coffee?
Oh or maybe it was all that washing up :)
Now I'd like to do 12 days but a) there haven't been twelve days yet and b)it's time for dinner.

And now it's a bit later and we have to get ready for the next wave of visiting family tomorrow :)
Happy Boxing Day :)

*The self bagging variety


At 1:09 AM, Blogger Mel said...

*happy sigh*
My steamy windows are never that picturesque.....ever..... Very lovely.

And congratulations to youngest! (another wedding! wow.....what a proposal, northern lights or not!)

Happy Boxing Day, Mig. I hope it was a good one---minus the bubble and squeak.
Ummmmm...himself mushed up all sorts of stuff, fried it, served it with sliced turkey and pickles and tried to pass it off as a 'traditional' Boxing Day dinner.

Dare I say things were touching that ought not to be!

At 10:16 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Yep. We also had a traditional boxing day dinner :)
I do feel for you Mel :)

At 7:39 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

oh! I would have loved that! (I do like cold sprouts!!)

we had a very minimal Xmas Day lunch (duck, for The Teen, as a treat, instead of turkey) with barely any washing up and no left overs


I do like cold leftovers with chutney on Boxing Day, and cold sliced meat froma deli counter isn't quite the same. . .

beautiful photos, mig

but then, they always are!


At 8:44 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Ooh Duck! Oooh! no washing up! Ooooh!! no leftovers!
Our house is heaped with leftovers.
We should be more organised and disciplined and eat them faster.
Course, the next wave of visiting family had to bring their leftovers with them didn't they!
I could send you some :)
Thank you ILTV, I'm glad you like the pics.


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