Friday, April 27, 2007

Thief ! Thief!

No not me. Some other bugger pinched my hand/camera bag from the car while I was taking pictures in a cemetary.

Don't panic though....the camera was with me at the time! As was my purse, mobile and notepad. (but woe and doom, not my tobacco. Had to wait till I'd got home, all shook up and not quite hysterical, for a fag).

To be fair (Why?!?) I had left the window slightly open. But said bag was heaped over with a pile of jackets and raincoat. Well I won't trust that camouflage again.

Biggest problem is, in my bag there was a mobile phone bill with my address on it and possibly a spare door key. (Also all except one of my spare camera batteries and memory cards. And two lens filters and a close up lens attachment. None of which would be a lot of use to anyone else really, I mean how much would a used battery or a rather worn memory card fetch on the open market? Oh and my not-driving glasses. I shall have a bit of trouble reading music for a while.)
But then when I was home, the phone rang and when Barney answered one there! Like, some thief hoping no one was home maybe?

And because the window wasn't shut I don't get insurance.

Now you are supposed to feel violated when things like this happen. As far as I can tell, I don't. But threatened and decidedly anxious yes. And panicked because I'm not sure I've remembered all the things that are in the bag. And exposed. Some bad person has noticed me and may choose to do things I don't want done which involve my life.
Suddenly I wonder if these people can somehow access my blog!!!!

Meanwhile, new locks have been purchased, dinner has been cooked and eaten (and I wish I hadn't, my stomach really doesn't like anxiety/dinner/anxiety sandwiches) and Barney has been assured that it's ok to go to the pub as long as I bolt all the doors behind him. (Not that I really need to do that. I think it makes him feel as though I'm going to feel safer.) After all the point is they have a key with which to get in if no one's home. They aren't going to do that if someone and the dog are clearly all over the place. Probably.
But it's nice that we have good solid bolts on the doors, this house being a good old-fashioned and solid one.

And I know no one's going to say it's my fault because you're all too nice. But it is.

And actually, shit shit shit!
And bugger.

Now I shall attempt to be calm.
If you read this post, you'll know that losing things is one of my greatest anxieties so it won't be easy. Somehow, it's no better if I foolishly contributed to some one else thievingly losing my things for me!

Yesterday's eggshell has a different feel today, fragile and delicate has become brittle and vulnerable.

Er. I really can't think anything sensible. At least I still have the camera, oh and one battery which I left behind. Ironic, that. Since if I'd noticed I'd left it at home I'd have been very cross.

Got to go and worry some more!

Why do things always look better in the morning I wonder?

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At 2:29 AM, Blogger Kata said...

Hi Mig!
Shame on the camera bag thief! Glad you had your other stuff with you tho! Just caught up on your other the much then? xxx

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Mel said...

Oh no.....

At a cemetary?

I'm sorry, Mig.
I really am.
That feeling of being violated that just hangs on and on when something like this happens.


At 9:58 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...



I would feel violated and sad and angry and irritated (about the insurance) and annoyed (both with myself and that now I had to go sort out all manner of stuff)

these things happen tho, learning curve and all that

it's a sad reflection on the world, isn't it?

but there you go. . .

you'll get over the bad feelings and will remember the lesson (always keep your tobacco about your person!)


hope you were well looked after

and, as mel:


(couldn't get the link to work - blast!)

At 12:33 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Hi Mangey dear :) Thanks for that:) I still have no idea how much for a pack because I haven't had time to go looking at other peoples' cards yet.
Missing your pics and stories xxx

Yeah well, these things happen Mel. And yes I the irritation factor nearly went through the roof yesterday when I ran out of space on my one remaining memory card!
But no harm done and yes, lots of lessons learned (particularly the tobacco one :)

Thanks for all the hugs dear people....very good for the beleagured are a few virtual hugs :) I feel much better now.

At 9:29 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

lovely mig - would you like to come to my birthday party? I'll be 43 tomorrow and will be celebrating. . .

it would be wonderful to see you!


At 12:52 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Yay!!! A party :)

Extra Yay...a special person's party :)
Yes please :)


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