Friday, April 27, 2007

Talking of complaints

Sometimes it's just fun to have a rant together with friends. Often over the shortcomings and difficulties of getting on with people; spouses, children, dogs, neighbours, employers,the doctor, the staff at the local shop, those kinds of people.
You know, like we often do on blogs.
Funny thing though. Over the years I've noticed that quite often the person under the microscope sounds a lot like me. That is to say, if my friends lived with me they'd have much the same things to say about me as they do about their spouses, children, er, not their dogs* though.
So what's going on? I make friends of people who share their lives with people** like me? all people do the same infuriating things and then complain about other people doing those same things?
Well and then I say (trying to be slightly honest and objective) "er, actually, I do that" and they say "Oh but it's different"
What? It's different when it's me? I don't do it to them (only to my spouse, children, doctor, er, not the dog though). It's different because I have an excuse?
It's all a bit related to that old saying about looking in the mirror if you want to see what really pisses you off (I'm not sure about the exact wording, it's been reworded a few times over the centuries).

Ah well. Maybe it's time to look closely at things.
But not to think too much.
I hope all your friends are as nice as mine are.
Sleep well :)

* Of course my dog does lots of the things they don't like other people's dogs doing.
**I mis-spelled that pwople. I think I may add pwople to the dictionary. It's completely baffled spell checker and I like it. I wonder what it means.

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At 5:18 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Pwople. It's a GREAT word!!!!!!

Let's add it and have great fun!

I have that 'you're looking at the problem' stickey note on the mirror. Underneath 'you're looking at the solution' that SLB suggested.

Oh BOY do I know the problem and the solution is ME.
Do I always LIKE that? LOL NO!!

Just once I'd like to disqualify/justify/rationalize and explain away a defect and get AWAY with it, dangit!
Maybe not.
As much as I don't like being responsible, I'd get really poofy if suddenly I was viewed as irresponsible.

*scratching head* How is it that happened?!

Let's blame pwople!

At 5:20 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Love the egg and the fiddle!

Will you be using that for the requested cards?

At 11:36 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

LOL. Let's blame pwople!

Uh uh! Lets look in the mirror (Bother it). Ooh no! let's blame pwople.

Yes I think that'll make a nice card :)

At 1:00 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

all those photos will make beautiful cards

do you know mig, I could make little books for you. . .

I have done some for presents for people: print off sets of four photos per A4 page on cartridge or water colour paper, with a border around each photo; I cut each page in half and then fold and sew them up to make small multi-section hardback books

(either landscape or portait, some of the pictures you have to turn the page to look at - landscape works best I think, more like a photo album)(don't do double sided printing, but write the description of each picture on the back of the plain page)

choose your favourite random image photo for end papers and print off two A4s of those. . . pebbles work well, something that the image just goes across the whole spread, blossom might be good, but must be something kind of random with no centre point

I bind them either in off cuts of leather or book cloth, or with another photo for the cover (did one a year ago of small people on their hols, and the cover photo was them in the distance standing at the ice cream van)

make lovely gifts. . .

just a thought!

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Mel said...

Oh my..

What a fantastic coupling of talents that would be!


At 9:18 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

My Goodness what a truly wonderful idea!

Got to think..I shall email you! I am having several thoughts even as I write!

Could be absolutely BRILLIANT!

At 10:31 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...



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