Friday, October 06, 2006

I think we're back

It certainly seems to be wet and cold and there are dog and pussy cats all over the place. Yes, I think we're home.

Well this is the view from the coffee bar at Samburu Lodge. The coffee was quite nice too.

And on the first proper game drive we occasionally felt as though we'd been brought there to entertain the locals

Though some of them didn't find us so interesting

This very laid-back lady had other things on her mind than odd clicking, squeaking creatures wearing white safari buses

Like the cool bloke having a quick pint in the river

In fact rather suddenly things got pretty hot and the lady got laid.

There was a crescendo of clicking and squeaking from the white buses and the lion growled sweet nothings into the lady's ear and then bit it.
And all before ten in the morning.

Well I've got about 3,000 pictures, 3 mosquito bites and toothache. I can't remember how to go shopping and I have to say it doesn't seem a very interesting way to spend time just now. I have a feeling we have a gig tomorrow night and I think I went to the dentist that would be an English sort of today I suppose. We rather lost track of how time usually works; it seems to work quite differently in Africa. There's lots of hasty eating, packing and meeting the driver followed by lots of (apparently aimless) driving across savannahs and up and down dusty tracks in the trackless wilderness followed by quick dashes to the next sighting where it all becomes extremely astonishing and breath-taking for an unmeasured period of time and then a final staggering back to a room and a shower and a meal before collapsing into a bed and dreaming of getting up in time for the next round! Astonishment and hyperbole were kept at a high level. Words frequently failed!
It was a pretty good way to spend time and I thoroughly recommend it :)


At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, what girl doesn't like having sweet nothings growled in her chewed ear before 10am? Glad to hear a good time was had by all - hope you 'land' back in Blighty soon ... xx

At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a long lunch break! Welcome back!

At 6:34 AM, Blogger Kata said...

The lion porno photo didn't post for bummed. *waiting patiently for all 3000 photos to be posted*

At 1:19 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

glad you had a fab time. . .

. . .time will sort itself out eventually. . .

keep taking the quinine (or whatever it is one takes for mosquito bites)

want to say glad you're back, but that seems a little selfish!

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Mel said...

OH my.......

Is this where I 'oooohhhh' and 'ahhhhh' and get envious of your lunchbreak?

*waiting for the 3000 photos*

Welcome back! Welcome back!!
Welcome BACK!!

At 7:31 PM, Blogger frangelita said...

Hello! Ace wildlife action but all a bit hot and bothered for the weather if you ask me...

At 1:52 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Thanks all. It's nice to be back though there are a few photos I'd like to do again :)
The growling was particularly endearing Thursday...I think she liked it.
It was a long and eventful lunch break Dav. I think I forgot lunch once or twice:)
Ooh Mangey, I hope the porn appears soon. They did it quite a lot so there may be more!
I am glad I'm back I so thankyou :)
Mel, I hate to make people envious so I won't post all 3,000...could get a little repetitive. But there will be a few :)
Hot and bothered was us in the bus Frangelita...they didn't give us a lot of time to discuss the ethics of watching lion porn, he just ambled over to her, settled down and while we were still going Ooh, Aaw, OH! he got up and they both flopped down in the sand looking relaxed and cool.


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