Friday, October 28, 2005

High cats and low cats

Tosca is a high cat: her preferred perch is on top of the highest cupboard in the kitchen and she likes to attack from above. She runs up trees.
Mandu is a low cat: She crouches and fixes you with an unbending golden stare. She likes to curl up on chairs under the table and on the warm spot on the bathroom floor. Lacking tosca's frivolous approach to life, she is very serious about her requests for stroking, usually when I am thinking about more basic things (in the bathroom) and approaches from below the knee. tosca likes to be picked up and then turns herself upside down and into a dribbling armful with an excessive number of of black and white legs.
I have to say Mandu is by far the most successful and dedicated hunter..her offerings are regular and accompanied by loud mewings. Tosca often brings in live ones and then loses them....her voice comes somewhere between a squawk and a creak!
Mandu gets trodden on more often and Tosca often finds heself descending while I am rising... we have had some interesting encounters.


At 6:59 PM, Blogger Fred said...

Isn't it lovely the way they are the same but can be so different.


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