Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Some things I really like a lot

(there you go tabby rabbit)

Water (big, small, running, still, falling...however it comes)
Rocks (big, small, wet, dry, huge, enormous, bare, clothed in forest, draped in waterfalls, tiny like sand)
Things that work
The wind
Silk,linen and exotic wool.
The night sounds in the Amazon Rain forest.
Small, utterly delicious dinners with something rich and chocolaty and creamy afterwords with a nice coffee.
Fish, swimming or cooked
Hell, cigarettes if I'm honest!
People who like me
Warm soft snuggling children
Freshwater Pearls
Sassy children with attitude and the courage and wit to get away with it
Sassy grown-ups the same.
Birds, Hey the other day I saw a flock of litle greenish birds like a huge leaf fall swooping in the wind and making patterns and criss crossing. I think somebody's aviary got opened by mistake. No camera with me. Probably not enough time to catch them anyway. I hope they went home safely.
The scent in the air when rain starts to fall on a dry dusty summer's day
The smell of freshly chopped herbs, crushed garlic, chopped ginger.

got to stop and make dinner now.

These look delicious...but in fact being neither plums, damsons or sloes but some quite other thing, they are disapointingly not.


At 12:44 AM, Blogger Fred said...

Don't take it off again - you only confuse the regulars :>)

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Tabby Rabbit said...

This is a *great* list, thank you for resurrecting! I've had a long day (or perhaps that should be all-day hangover...) and it made me feel happpy just reading it. May not upgrade to the pyscho murderous rabbit after all...the world is a happy and beautiful place. Sigh.


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