Monday, October 24, 2005

Ireland: Land of mists, mellow, fruitful guinness and God

Many years ago, my flat mate and I, whiled away a whole evening discussing Faith and God. I believe the discussion started on the subject of argument and led on to religion as a probably inflammatory subject. It boiled very quickly down to faith...if you have it you do what is dictated by the God in whom you have it and if you don't have it you do whatever you do. (simplified somewhat). she did have it and I didn't think I had but was prepared to with-hold judgement. So we talked round and round Faith and the existence of God and tried to find a point at which we could agree. eventually we did find that point and, hugely satisfied we accepted quite contentedly that...if there is a God there is one and if there isn't one there isn't.
I feel a bit cagey about admitting my religious position...I have known people who simply weren't interested in knowing me any more when they knew I didn't have a God...and in earlier times, when I thought I was a Roman catholic, people who didn't want to know me because I had that particular God!
But as I understand it, Faith is a far as I can tell I haven't been given it. The ball's in your court God.


At 11:54 PM, Blogger Fred said...

I very much like this picture - I've been back to look at it several times. I keep wondering what was round the bend. Did you take another picture when you got round it?

At 11:32 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I think I made the whole family (in two cars)stop on our way to lunch to get this. Much groaning and disparagement. By the time I was back in the car the sun had gone and by the time we were round the bend the mist closed in again. Forever a mystery :)
But lunch and the memory were wonderful. And they all liked the picture when we got home and claimed they hadn't whinged at all.


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