Monday, May 05, 2008


Well I am just not the put up,with it type. Two days of uncertainty, followed by one day horizontal and NO EATING, SMOKING or DRINKING was enough. We rang the emergency doctors and we took me down to see them and we returned (via the supermarket) with a diagnosis of 'Labyrinthitis' and a prescription to 'quieten things down'. I think it's a seasickness kind of pill, though I was a bit taken aback to find that it's also a schizophrenia kind of pill. I'm fairly sure I haven't got that though so I'll assume we're taking it for vertigo and dizziness.
Anyway, it has quietened things down. They (things) have stopped going round and round and eating seems to have become safe again and I even tried a cig. No problem.
And I suppose an added bonus is that I probably won't get schizophrenia :) On the other hand I may get drowsiness. In which case I mustn't operate machinery or drive. Well I haven't got drowsiness so it's safe to operate the camera but I think driving will have to wait a bit longer.

Still an' all it's a jolly weird experience. I can tell that behind the quietening down curtain the thing is still there. The feet aren't quite sure that they agree with me when I say things aren't going round and round any more and occasionally the head says are you sure about this?
So you can tell a labyrinthinitus patient by their odd, wide legged gait and a tendency to hold onto things as they go past. (Including the dog's ear if it happens to be the nearest thing. He looked puzzled but acquiescent).

I am about to add sleep to the cure - and another pill. Unheard of at 9.50 in the evening.
You all sleep well, probably a bit later :)


At 12:47 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Oh goodness, Mig...I'm really glad you opted to get yourself to a physician.
AND no worries about psychosis, to boot! Wooooohoooooo!!!!

Betcha Barney sleeps well tonight too! LOL

Be safe...and take care of you.
No heavy machinery....thinkin' that includes washmachines and dishwashers/kitchen sinks.
k....maybe not the sink...LOL

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Thursday said...

You know where I am - call if you need anything.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Betty F said...

Oh I hope you feel better soon. The pills sound like you're in for good sleeping. Take Care

At 6:27 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Just trying to think what to ask Barney to cook for dinner tonight Mel :) I feel a potato peeler is possibly a little dangerous to a person in my condition. And saucepans? Oh no, definitely not :)
(He is, of course, being helpful and offering to do all sorts of things I could manage perfectly well if I had to but, well, best to take it easy?)

Thank you very much Thursday, I will. In fact I believe I'm going to in a minute :)

Thank you Betty :) I hope so too. No that I mind not having to do stuff, just that it's boring not being able to do stuff!

At 3:22 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

erm, machinery doesn't include 'puters and their keyboards then?

go and lie down!

and take good care, and let others take good care too - ear stuff is not nice

lots of love and some non-sickening-hugs

At 12:15 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Nonono I, machinery is only dangerous if I'm going to fall asleep while operating it. If I fall asleep over the computer it's unlikely to do me any harm. (?)
(Though I have to keep keyboard/screen time short otherwise it does start to feel a bit odd again)
Thank you for the hugs. Very stabilising things hugs :)

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Mel said...

*sending feel better thoughts*

And eat well while he's doing the cooking! ;-)

At 3:36 AM, Blogger Sorrow said...

Good Golly !
You have a malady with the name Labyrinth in it?
Thats almost as disturbing as you not feeling well...gosh i hope you feel better soon, maybe you can get better by walking labyrinths?
probably not!
(HUGS) mig, and I hope your feeling machinery handling Good VERY soon!

At 10:44 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Thanks Mel. (thoughts clearly arriving since I do feel better). He's away tonight (I have a horde of friends and neighbours though, poised to leap to my assistance should I suddenly feel incapable) so I've bought myself a rather swish and poncy looking ready meal :) It had better be good!

I suppose even labyrinths must have a darker side Sorrow. Two sides to everything :) A left handed labyrinth would work fine. A righthanded one would have me in a heap! Oh, that's spirals isn't it. Well...whatever :)


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