Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Before setting off into the fields again
Further earthquake news.
There definitely was one
it was the biggest to hit Britain for 24 years. (Not saying a great deal, I know but it's all about what you're used to)
it measured between 4.7 and 5.8 on the Richter scale (depends who's figures you look at - 5.8 was quoted on a personal blog. The most quoted figure seems to be 5.2)
Lots of people felt it. (Apparently, according to USGS as far away as Brussels)
It was really quite small in world earthquake terms - a number of USA comments on British blogs point this out with varying degrees of asperity and a number of British bloggers say the same thing rather apologetically.
The general consensus is that it probably wasn't caused by global warming, terrorists or any deities objecting to immoral behaviour in the country
It was the first time a lot of British people had experienced a quake that you could feel. Their comments seem to range from 'cool' through 'scary' to 'I thought I was having a heart attack'. One irresponsible person said " I want to have another one".
It didn't cause much damage or injury. Good. Because I'm still amazed and slightly offended by the way the cats didn't wake up and demand reassurance and the dog didn't jump up and down and bark warnings or even wuffle urgently at me. He may have opened one eye.

Well those of you who live in seismically active places no doubt wouldn't find it so shocking to feel the earth move. It just goes to show that human beings can get used to anything and I suppose since the earth has been doing this moving and shaking thing since it began one ought to take it in stride. Or seat as the case may be.
Still, even when it's tiny, it's quite very damned impressive at approximately 1am.

Otherwise, my printer's fixed, my internet seems to be getting a little more stable (some of the time) and my washing machine is leaking. A bit. Oh and one of the cats broke the cover of a pyrex dish and ate what was to be my lunch today. I'd have blamed the earthquake for the breakage if I could but the vanished dinner? No.

Oh bother. Blogger's off.

Got to go and do some work now - even after having been slightly quoked,** the house must sometimes be cleaned :)

*I know most people are treating this event with commendable brevity and lack of excitement. I, however, am not ashamed to admit that I found it quite alarming and very exciting however tiny it may have been in the global scale of things - in an alarmed sort of way and will therefore continue to milk the experience for at least one more post!
Also, while last night's title was very, very, slightly witty, it was also totally unoriginal and hackneyed. One of "about 26,320 results" on Google.
Today's title is much more er, direct and meaningful. Yes.
**Not the past tense of 'to quake'? Oh. Well, quaked then .

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At 10:03 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

lovely frost, all sparkly and glittery!


At 11:44 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Yup, lovely indeed.

I'm sure the cat's telling the truth about the dish.
Cat's are very trustworthy.



At 2:22 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

The cat said "who me?" with an innocent and trusting head butt deliverd to my leg. And later threw up.
Yes Mel, completely trustworthy :)

If only frost were also warm I! Never mind, it was worth it just to see the sparkly and misty bits and all that.
I still find it amazing and wonderful that if I point the camera and press a button or three I can take the picture home with me :)


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