Sunday, February 24, 2008

Constitutional - a curious way of saying 'walkies'

Me and the dog have taken to going out for a midnight 'constitutional'. Up the road, into the field and back again. And now we are joined by the little black and white cat. We like this. Cat and dog investigate hedges and fence posts (sometimes together, puzzlingly) and I wander backwards and forwards looking at the sky and the hedges and woods and thinking what a shame it is that the animals won't stay still long enough to be photographed. (20 seconds minimum needed in bright moonlight, 2 seconds max stillness available :)
We have also taken to going up the road for our morning constitutional. It's beats trudging round the wet garden (though, so far, it hasn't rained on us so we may change our minds if it does).
Since the field across the road is a change from the one out the back, I've taken to going back, without the dog if there is a nice sun or sky or whatever, to take a few photos. In fact this morning, I did it the other way round since there was frost and mist and all that :) Got up very early even. The dog didn't even realise I was going out it was so early.
Anyway, now, me and the dog are going to do it again.

Goodnight, sleep tight.

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At 1:50 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Dog or no dog...constitutionals are proving to be very awesome things.

If I had a puppy--we wouldn't be walkin' in this subzero tundra! LOL But we'd play in the snow and make snow angels--yup, we would.

But alas.....himself is allergic so no pets--'cept for the snake and the lizardy guys.
Himself says I can't take 'em for walks.

At 2:34 AM, Blogger Sorrow said...

I have three that like to take walks with me. The little man can't go out at night with me because being the graceless soul that i am , he always trips me up and i end on my bum and sore as snot. The hildabeast is a chicken shit and barks at the leaves that moves and wants to run home and will whine if i don't follow her. Mercy my old woman is the best companion of them all, but after a mile or so she begins to limp, she has arthritis and i feel so bad. so we go home. I love "constitutionals" need to see if the cat is interested....
Thanks for the walk...
it was most pleasant....

At 2:08 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

It's a shame you can't take the lizardy snaky guys for walks Mel - but wouldn't they all curl up and hibernate if they went out in the cold?
Probably not much fun then :)

Always nice to share walks Sorrow :) We don't go far because one of us is too slow, one of us is too little and it's a bit frustrating for the other - he'd be off halfway to the next county if I didn't keep him on a lead :)

At 10:05 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

that is one GLORIOUS photo mig

absolutely splendidly beautiful

thank you


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