Monday, February 11, 2008

Sunny morning

With special effects
Only I missed most of them.
Here's how it goes.
I wake to the sound of the alarm, having told myself last night that I would certainly get up early and check for mist, frost and amazing dawn sunlight.
I think, (sort of) erggh, mmph, er, snooze15minsok.
The alarm goes again and I think (sort of).......
Third time I may throw myself sideways out of bed and stump off to the bathroom, drinking the cold tea that Barney prepared earlier, as I go.
And thinking erg, mmph, er, sun?
Ok. clothes? er, yes, no, yes???no socks?????
Groan! (feet are a long way away in the morning)
Coffee! :)
Meanwhile, in counterpoint to the easy bits, I'm thinking "where shall I go?" and running through assorted possibilities. Rejecting most of them because I am now late and I won't get there before the mist, frost and special effects have all faded away.
(this is why you have been treated to so many of the view from the bathroom window at dawn)
While making coffee, feeding the cats, letting the dog out, rolling three cigs, locking the back door, checking the camera batteries and doing my teeth, I'm still, with increasing uncertainty trying to decide WHERE. Get in the car, turn it round, stop at the gate and think "well left or right?????"
So far, I haven't chosen straight on which is just as well as there's a solid bank opposite our gate. With a hedge on top. (Though sometimes I stop the car when I get to the gate up 50 yards up the road and leap out muttering* and stump around the field for a while - which is where you get these pics :)Eventually I go somewhere!
Possibly somewhere new, like yesterday when I discovered new woods to play in.
Since then the internet has been sulking and dropping off every time I tried to see what was going on in the virtual world. I hope you've all been ok, today it was off nearly all day :(
I suppose some time I'll get someone to sort it for me but in the meantime quick! Pics!!!!Now I'm going to stump off to bed, muttering.
Lots of love to all you lovely people :)

*Could have walked here and back before doing all the early morning stuff what a waste of time mutter grumble mutter


At 1:27 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

oh! oh! oh!

I always love your paths and rolling hills and the sun shining behind the tree is a gem. . .

thank you for getting out of bed at whatever time


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Mel said...

k....wear socks to bed.
Or....get one of those bitty cup hot pads so your tea is at least warm!
OR....we could getcha one of those alarm clocks that fall on the floor and roll around, making it necessary that you jump out and look under beds to find it. (k...that would be cruel!)

Who wouldn't love the paths and the trees and the sunlit, misty mornings.

Yep.......-8 here. We warmed up a whole degree!

At 12:09 AM, Blogger Sorrow said...

Oh lordy lordy!
you mutter all you want but
and I mean
the two of the path....
I want to get up and find that journey!
I'll even
leave the damn socks i don't own off and go barefoot!
and now i am wondering what are you muttering about????
these are
you have no idea how much I needed this today....

At 12:33 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Ooh I, nobody ever thanked me for getting out of bed before!!! Usually, more likely, they grumble at me if I don't :)
Now there's a thought Mel :) And we do have one of those cup warmer things somewhere..but where ?
Now the rolling alarm clock, hmmm. not sure about that ;) Maybe one of those ones that you can throw at the wall to shut it up?
I hope it gets a whole lot warmer soon :)
thank you Sorrow :) I'm so pleased you like :)

At 12:34 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I don't belieeeeve it! SIX tries to get blogger to accept my own password!

At 2:29 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Oh the cleverness!
Thank you for a post full of lovely things :)

At 3:15 PM, Blogger Sorrow said...

I keep coming back to these photo's, they are so wonderful, I was wondering, would you mind if I painted one of them? I am absolutely held, I haven't tried painting from a photo in years. ( mostly I get paid to reproduce famous paintings on Kitchen walls...bleh. One has to pay the bills.) BUt the two of the path ate enchanting. I need to get some oils...
Would you mind?
pretty please?

At 6:22 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Goodness I wouldn't mind at all Sorrow, thank you for the compliment :) And of course you may :)

At 8:43 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

oh, and there was I thinking it was going to be such a great idea to have a Hopper on my kitchen wall - but real artists think that's bleh


never mind eh!


(your photos rival Harry Cory Wright's - they'd look fab wall sized!)

At 2:21 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I think Hopper on your kitchen wall would be great. But only because the light will shine from the right direction. If the window had been on the wrong side you'd just have to find another picture for the wall :)
Oh and what a fun idea. It would have to be in a very big room though because they'd look all pixellated if you enlarged them to room sized :)
Now gong to look up Harry Cory Wright!

At 2:26 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Ooh! how nice of you! I've gone all pink:) Fabulous pictures :)
(that was going, btw not gong)

At 6:03 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

I went to an exhibition of his once and the photos were wall sized and the clarity and detail were incredible - and some of his reminded me of some of yours, lichen and leaves and trees and paths. . .

he produced a great book about Britain a whole ago, but my favourites are from about seven or eight years back and are of the Atlantic and rock pools and salt marshes


At 6:16 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

did you see what sorrow did with your photo?



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