Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The question before the panel is

Should the lovely Frangelita get married in this dress?

You have seven days to decide. Answers on a virtual postcard* please.

Oh, and hair up or down?

*Sorry, joke. Comment here or at Inside my head



At 2:36 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Oh gosh.....

I'm so glad I'm going on an adventure! LOL
I'd hate to have to decide.

Mostly cuz I think it's the lovely girl's choice. It's her day, dontchaknow!
Partly cuz I suck at fashion stuff...LOL And partly cuz if I were the mom I'd be telling her 'nope' to every dress she displayed just to delay a wedding even if I thought it was a wonderful fella she was marrying.

Then I'd tell the girl to look in the closet for a surprise, shove her in and LOCK THE DOOR.
*nodding and chuckling*
I AM a protective/avoidant/evil alien mother. LOL

Hair up. down with this dress, if it's the dress she's passionate about.
Or......maybe up.......

Couldn't ya just tell her there's a surprise in the closet for her? LOL

At 2:37 AM, Blogger Mel said...

And oh what a lovely gal....

At 11:21 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Fran, you look beautiful. However, I think this is more because you look beautiful than because of anything the dress does for you.
But seeing it in the cold light of day and after the initial excitement has worn off, I don't think it is weddingy.
And, although the ruching is pretty do you think maybe a tiny bit monobooby?
It's a good idea taking the a bit of distance!

Mel, you're a case :) but you're right, she is lovely :)

At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hair up. What sort of head decoration thing do you have in mind? Heels definitely. 'Constructive' underwear, absolutely no tan lines whatsoever. You look wondrous - elegant pixie comes to mind.

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Dave said...

You don't seriously expect advice from a man, do you?


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