Thursday, June 21, 2007

One of those funny old days

Having been warned repeatedly of heavy showers today I firmly expected to be let off the early morning trip to Oxford. But no, the sun shone and the sky looked pretty clear. (at five in the morning I don't know how it has the gall to look so nice considering what a bleary and grumpled sight I am). Still, I set off and despite the constant discussion of dire weather forecasts all around, the sun shone nearly all day, except for one very brief but impressive shower (more like a small waterfall actually, targeted on the market) which caused the awnings to empty themselves sporadically for the rest of the day over stallholders and customers alike. All very entertaining.
I shall pass quickly over the main purpose of the day since it wasn't very interesting and move swiftly onward to the homeward journey, all green and bathed in brilliant golden light set against a background of menacing grey clouds. All viewed by me with helpless frustration as I searched in vain for a parking spot on the A34 which would allow me to take pictures of the best views! Finally on the last leg, from Waitrose to home, I found, not only a spot to take pictures of clouds but also a field full of cornflowers. And then arriving home found that the scaffolders had been and erected a neat platform from which the very very brave photographer could take shots from a new angle! So I did! Mr and Mrs next door, who are lovely people, laughed at me scrambling up the ladder very cautiously with one hand full of camera and the other full of ladder :) Bear in mind that I have no head for heights, ok?

So finally I staggered in, laden with unsold goodies and shopping and immediately rushed to satisfy all my addictions, compulsions and appetites. ie, rolled a fag, poured a glass of wine, gobbled some cheese and positively shovelled the camera card into the computer! Now the computer is digesting and soon I shall be able to see what I've done!
(I'm saying this now in case it turns out disappointingly blurred or dark or badly framed or whatever :)

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At 5:22 AM, Blogger Mel said...


Musta been more than one bottle of wine, huh?

*waiting and snickering*

At 11:15 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Ah, well actually it was the revenge of the body for having been dragged out at 5 am! It went to sleep over the pictures after dinner
A case of the willing spirit and all that.

At 9:05 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

lovely photos. . .

At 9:51 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

thank you kindly :)


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