Here today
And gone tomorrow. Then back again, then gone again. then back.
Am I a yo-yo or what, I ask myself?
Well here are pictures from the wild and woolly place.
Goosey gander and three (and a bit) goslings for Mel

Oh and did I mention pies? There were puddings too!

All behind me now, as on Sunday, Quiet Pictures goes offline for the first time and will park itself by the park railings and woo the picture buying public.
Fingers crossed ok?
Be well. See you soon :)
Little boats!!
BIG boat!!
Geesies and baby geesies!!
Rocks and flowers and tunnels and STUFF!!!
I wanna baby geesie!
Heck, I want all three and a bit!
Oh, how missed you've been, Mig.
You don't have a clue!
Gosh.....Sunday?! Wow....
As a good friend of mine says:
Crossing all crossables!
What an absolutely fantabulous, amazing adventure....
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
what a treat !!!!!!!
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!!
duckies and lichen and boats and forget-us-nots
how very very very wonderful
how lovely to be indulged and treated
thank you for making me feel so very very special
thank you mig
*quack quack, waddle waddle*
You know I come back and look on a regular basis, dontcha?
I've decided the little boat along the side of the road looks like it's out of 'The Wizard of Oz'.
Now, mind you, there's no boat or river in 'The Wizard of Oz' so I don't have a clue WHY it sparks those memories!
But I do so like that photo for a whole lot of 'yet to be defined' reasons.
*quack quack, waddle waddle*
We have baby geesies at the pond and they're just too cute!
Mig! Awesome photos! How very exciting...good luck with the photo selling! xxx
Thank you for that delightful welcome home all of you:)
I thought you'd like all them ducks and lichen and stuff.
Adventure postponed till Thursday Mel...rained off!
And I, you are all so special so it's a pleasure to be able to provide the odd feather and lichen :) (I'll be in touch about little books the minute I'm home for five minutes!)
Hi Mangey...I'm glad we crossed comments finally:)
Happy to remind you of wizards Mel. I don't know why either but it's a nice thought.
I'm away again for another couple of days but in the meantime, xxx, keep dry and be well :)
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