Saturday, July 29, 2006

scrambled post

Out in the dark I think I can hear a small person, wailing or at anyrate communicating.
Not my problem :)
The first visitors to arrive were Twin 1 and Sweet lady with 3 gorgeous small (very blonde and curly) people. Small people bounced and crawled and rolled around the dining room for an hour or so until Twin2 and Delightful lady arrrived with 2 older small people who were pretty much asleep but soon started lots of social interactions with very small people.
A gentle chaos evolved and Barney came home and the visitors all went off to their tents at about half past midnight. (breakfast and vegetarian preferences having been discussed). all very satisfactory indeed so far.

Oh, did I say I might not be posting over the weekend?
Well I took some new pics today and Youngest produced some lovely wine for us and I seem to be moved to write. Scrambled but inspired :)

I have written a list of what I have to do tomorrow but I'm not sure I'll understand it in the morning. This will not be a problem as I'm so pleased with the pristineness of my house, I feel as though I've moved mountains (of spider webs) and swum rivers(of sweat) and arrived very close to some sort of goal. In fact as I worked my way through the house, cleaning, it became less an irritating chore and more of a celebration of how good it is to be here. So in the morning I will probably wander around beaming gently at people and not being very intelligent. this will work well,until anyone asks me anything meaningful like where is? or, when is? or is there? or whatever.

Meanwhile (I did say this would be a scrambled post) here's a real gargoyle.

And some time ago I promised a pic of dog in gargoyle mode.
He's not bad at doing gargoyles?


At 1:52 PM, Blogger Mel said...

Bravo for the gargoyle immitating pup!

And yeah for the small person invasion--especially when they're NOT your problem! That's the BEST kind of invasion, no doubt. Bring out the noisy toys and chocolates...and jelly beans.
Small persons give us good excuses for all sorts of fun things. (not that some of us would need an excuse!) :-)

At 3:13 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Mel, I think noisy toys and chocolate might be saved till they're leaving :)
Small people are lovely (and all going home tomorrow :)

At 8:51 AM, Blogger weirdbunny said...

Your dod is so cool, does he do a different pose for whatever picture you show him? Hannnah said that you house was very tidy.

At 1:03 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Hi Weirdbunny :)
Dog will do as many poses as you can think of (some rather alarming, such as upside down with his head under a blanket which makes turns him into a horrible hairy headless monster) but he rolls over as soon as I turn the camera on and says Oh good are we going out to take pictures/smell evil things in the hedge???? :)


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