Saturday, June 10, 2006

At the risk of becoming a bit repetitive

A leafy lane.
I could, at the moment, produce endless reams of pictures of leafy lanes since we are well supplied with them round here. And we have lovely Frangelita and AF? AH? Fran's OH anyway*, staying for the weekend which is always a delight. So I haven't sat down with camera and fiddle to produce still life violin photos or anything else different from my idyllic pastoral norm. I hope that's still ok with is beginning to irritate me slightly!
I can feel a wordy post coming on.
But now I have to go and collect a carful of girls from a clubbing evening in town :)
And tomorrow I have to get some helpful person to tie up a new washing line so I can dry lots of slightly stiff, part dried washing. Three times the old one fell down as soon as I'd hung the stuff all up. You'd think I might have got the message sooner but I just thought, Oh give it another go, surely it can stay up long enough to dry one more load. Idiot, me.

My goodness isn't it hot though :) I hope you're all enjoying it.

Actually I don't have to collect girls for another 2 hours but I do have to get some stuff done before I go.

*it was HF. Of course.


At 12:05 AM, Blogger concerned citizen said...

ah, the leafy lane, again. ;p

At 12:22 AM, Blogger Kata said...

I never tire of the leafy lane photos, as you will never see that where I am! I can just imagine myself on a horse, strolling along the lane....

At 1:00 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Oh to be on a horse again. And light enough again so I don't feel too guilty about the poor horse!

At 12:18 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

love the leafy lanes

could never have enough of them IMHO!


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