Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Leafy bunny sort of a post with errors

The computer keeps telling me "TypeError: title_n.First child has no properties".
I wonder what it means.
Maybe it means the computer has caught whatever the dog had.

When I was making dinner this evening I found a little heap of dried leafy stuff at the back of the fridge. I've no idea what they used to be but they smelt nice, so I used them in the dinner and they were really nice and herby. I recommend freeze drying herbs in the fridge! All you have to do is leave them on one of the shelves with no wrapping. After an unknown period of time they turn into dried herbs.
These leaves, however, were not they. Them. You know, I think 'they' is correct but it does sound odd!

And here is a rather small, blurry bunny for starbender :)


At 2:03 AM, Blogger starbender said...

Awwwww! He is adorable! Thanx!
How sweet of U 2 think of me!
I'm touched!
I absolutely luv the line...
"Maybe it means the computer has caught whatever the dog had."
Had me laughing!
U didn't say, were they good in the dinner?

At 3:50 AM, Blogger Kata said...

Mysterious herb bags in the back of the fridge? Don't last long in my house...hehe!

Cute bunny!

At 2:36 PM, Blogger surly girl said...

so....were they, ahem, "special" herbs?

and how is everyone getting their clocks to go forwards? i don't get it.

At 8:57 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I should be so lucky! no I'm afraid they were garden herbs ofa very ordinary nature. shame really. Though in recent years I found that 'special herbs' do very little more than put me to sleep, very soundly and very quickly. Bit of a waste.
But the ordinary ones were good in the dinner :)
Hi SG, Are you back?
I think you have to go back to clocklink, find the bit that tells you what timezone you're in and change from GMT to London (WET, if I remember rightly). Then you can just paste the different code into your template.

At 10:43 PM, Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Wow...There is definitely a strange resemblance....

At 2:25 AM, Blogger concerned citizen said...

I've found my 'no frost' fridge is great for drying mushrooms. My brother is a Botanist specalizing in native fungi.(It abounds here)He brings us strange & delicious mushrooms, etc...that dry nicely in the fridge. :) At the moment, he is off hunting the Morel.

'Special herbs' put you to sleep, eh? Me too.

At 2:36 PM, Blogger frangelita said...

Your fridge is better than mine, if I abandon herbs they just sort of turn into brown mush.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Kyahgirl said...

My husband has 'issues' with abandoned food so none is ever allowed to accumulate in our fridge! :-)

At 11:23 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Actually Kyah, mine does too but he never does anything about it so he has to put up with whatever I leave in there:)
Fran, you have to leave them on a rack shelf so the air gets to them...I guess.
Mushrooms eh! Somebody told us we have 'special' mushrooms in our garden. Trouble is we're scared to try any in case they're some of those ones that look exactly like the special ones but actually poison you instead of being ..interesting!


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