Friday, March 31, 2006

Is Spring official yet?

I took Nut's wee sample to the vet's and they said we'll call you. Fine.

I took my teeth to the dentist and he said, well if they don't settle down they'll fall out. He said brush them a lot and take paracetamol. This was so much not what I was expecting that I forgot to ask how long it would take for them to *settle down*! Or fall out. Am I to wait for them to fall out? Or if they don't settle down (grrr) should I return them to him and demand immediate removal?
Pasta for tea, yoghurt for breakfast and couldn't face lunch. I'm getting decrepit, my hair will go grey next and my feet are already unmentionable. I say nothing about heartburn (because that's fine as long as I carry Gaviscon around with me) and anyway, if I don't feel like eating there won't be anything to burn will there.

I wonder if I dare go to the optician. I have a feeling my eyes need testing. But suppose he says they're going to fall out?
I am seriously disgruntled!

This is my sister in law's front garden (tastefully enhanced).*
Much more cheerful than me.

By the way, we're away for the weekend at Barney's dad's, so no computer.
Have a great weekend all, I'm going to pack now.

*Not that it needed enhancing, just nice to play with.


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