Thursday, March 23, 2006

The thing about blogging

Since everyone else is talking about their things about blogging, is its impermanence (though a healthy touch of paranoia will remind you that Google keep everything for ever and ever and really I don't believe they are as pure as the driven snow or as kind as the sun).
Several blogs I really enjoy reading and whose writers I feel sort of attached to have either gone or been temporarily (I hope) suspended or just don't get updated so often.
Other blogs haven't taken their places because actually a blog, like a beloved pet, can't be replaced!* But it's always exciting to start a new dialogue with another blogger. some bloggers look like going on for ever (I hope) but you can never tell!
I suppose it's because, unlike your friends in the real world, you can just up sticks and disappear by typing a few words or checking a few boxes. Poof! gone! That's why it feels so safe to start one up. That's one of the unspoken're there tonight, in the morning you might be gone.

Another of the things about blogging is that you can afford to be more kind and more generous than in the real world because the most you can do is visit regularly and say the nicest things and most helpful thing you can think of at the time. You are unlikely to be called upon to actually do anything. You might be one of those people who actually do things but if not, you couldn't anyway. so you can, for once, give free rein to good feelings.
I've no doubt it works the other way too but I don't seem to encounter people like that.
This may be a bad thing..i don't think so. I find that contact with so many people, whos instant response to another person's problems is kindness and generosity, is good for my soul and counter-balances the apathy, idiocy and cruelty that abounds in the real world.
Why do I do it someone asked...well because I want to show people my pictures and like to feel as though someone out there can occasionally hear my thoughts. Which are often dull and random, but hey, the blogithing is forgiving.
And yes, of course I occasionally pore over my stats and feel snubbed by people whose blogs are too good for my comments and wonder if I should try some new way to attract a million people to comment and link and make me popular :) And read a good post and then find everyone else has already said whatever I was thinking. pooh!

What the hell. i have to get up at a sensible time tomorrow.
I like you all quite a lot and when you aren't around I miss you.
Sleep well. I will :)

*No I don't mean to suggest that blogs are like pets in any other way!


At 4:42 AM, Blogger Kata said...

Word. I like blogging for the posting of photos...where else will you not be policed by an editor and an angry spell checker? Your photos are awesome and make me very homesick for England...yay!

At 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post indeed!

At 6:18 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Your photos give me itchy feet...want to go and visit coyotes and red tailed kites at home! Both of us lucky already though,yes?

That's so nice of you Sherbert. Cor, aren't we all lovely :)
Hey Dav, I thought you'd gone on hols! Thanks anyway:)

At 5:12 AM, Blogger Kyahgirl said...

very good post Mig.
I'm always happy when you come around to my place and I love to visit you here.

At 9:46 PM, Blogger Urban Chick said...

gosh, i think you're so right about the generosity of spirit you encounter (for the most part) in the blogosphere

i agree that it's a good thing - i've never felt other's kind words to be false, nor, when i have left them myself, have i not meant them

there's enough bitching and carping and mean-spiritedness in the real world to last us all several lifetimes so long life online generosity!

At 9:43 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Happy to visit you too Kyah/laura (now that confuses me :)

DCI, ...I'm possibly too lazy to rad the papers...or maybe I'm just scared of losing yet more time to another reading addiction!
Always enjoy your comments, here and in other places anyway :)

What I love about blogging is you can enjoy other people letting their hair down and biting heads left right and centre but you can still have your own opinion (even though I don't often go against the flow when commenting on other blogs). and often the snarliest people also say the nicest things.


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