Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Can't quite get today together.

A group of trees, seen often from half a mile away,

and for the first time last week, from the opposite direction.

Those are the Tuesday Walkers lurking around the bridge.

Now they've been cleaned and polished and all their cosy corners exposed, my teeth are cold. Ow!
Lukewarm drinks are not much fun.


At 7:06 PM, Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

That bridge looks romantic. But no wonder your teeth feel cold, shiverrrrr...the whole place looks cold brrrr

Here it is warm and sunny and I wish it would rain.

At 9:40 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Hi guyana gyal.
We could do with rain too, they tell us we're having a draught and underground water supplies are running low!
But it certainly is cold!

Spindle, I am astounded that people can do toddler groups and still talk at all! My daughter seems to be able to act quite normally after Tues mornings. I'm sure I never did :)


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