Monday, March 06, 2006

Woods, websites and....

I can't think of another W.
Well (there's the other W) we had a good time in Sunny (but freezing) Leeds. There really wasn't much time for photos though I spent half an hour in Gipton Wood (not Gifford Park which is somewhere famous and else). But I forgot the tripod so no night pictures. Nothing to do with large amounts of drink or the extreme cold outside, of course.

The new house was thoroughly warmed and I had a long and increasingly hysterical conversation with a very nice friend of SiL's as we dicovered that we had both been born in Croyden, had both lived in Devon, she had lived in Romney Marsh and I had always been fascinated by it, we both play folk fiddle and have both played viola. There may have been more but anyway it seemed very funny to us, though maybe not to those who were sharing the comfy sitting down area with us!
Barney moved a lot of stuff to the dump (and we acquired two glass shelves, a table with barley twist legs and a nice old elm chair). The garden was strimmed and trimmed splendidly (and I made dinner :)

This is the Buddha in SiL's garden. He seems content with the move.

When we got home, there was a phone call from Son, who has redesigned Bardsley and Brown's website so that I can easily update and edit it. So I played around with that for a while and if Barney likes it it'll be good. Though I can see my time overflowing some more as he will undoubtedly demand that I do all the updating and will probably provide me with the merest scribbles in lieu of text and vague suggestions about which pictures to post.

It's nice to be back :)


At 2:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mig, so am I going to need to take a big coat when I visit the UK in April? Will a jacket be enough? Just wondering what to pack to keep warm.

At 11:03 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

You're teasing me Dav :) I know it gets much colder where you are.
Anyway, who can tell with english weather? It might snow, it might be warm and sunny or we might have another extreme weather event. You'd usually expect some rain. But we might be having a drought!

At 4:43 PM, Blogger concerned citizen said...

Hey mig, I know we haven't been visiting long. But, I want to say By, as I'll not be blogging in a few days. You've really blossomed in the last few weeks. I think you've found your niche. have really enjoyed you posts. You have a real natual eye for photography. Hang in there.

Chow l>t

At 9:56 PM, Blogger frangelita said...

Hello! Glad you had a good, merry time.

At 12:11 AM, Blogger Fred said...

At least I can stop searching for Gifford Park now! Welcome back, which actually sounds daft when I think about it because you've just left where I am :<).

At 12:55 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Fran: merry it was! I'm so glad SiL isn't the type to drag everyone out of bed early to have fun!
Fred, I nearly suggested a blog meet! But I knew I wouldn't have time. Next time maybe:)

At 1:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! I think I'll take a jacket and not worry about a heavy coat. That will help my packing a bit.

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Fred said...

Yes, it would be nice to have a blog meet. You could have been in some of the views rather than just taking the shots. One day I would like to have a camera with a remote shutter release that works over long distances so I could take a picture of me waving to myself.

At 2:17 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Well you could use the regular one and then just run away very fast, waving as you go :)
I guess wireless remote shutters will be next!


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