Monday, February 27, 2006

Bingeley beep

I find it quite endearing that this is what my pda says when I connect it to the pc.
Fortunate really as it is nowhere near as industrious as Sam Vimes's and frequently has to be reset before it will connect at all. First causing the pc to say 'windows has detected a malfunctioning item of hardware'. This is of course nonsense. The item is just sulking.
When I disconnect it, it says bingeley bong. In a descending arpeggio.

Some water features don't quite work do they.

Swans in a feeding frenzy at the wharf car park in Newbury. (I love the goose stepping chap on the right)


At 7:05 AM, Blogger Juggling Mother said...

sometimes I think life would be much easier if we could just open the box, take out the imp and give it a damn good slapping until it worked properly:-)

You could try the engineers version of the above - hit it with a bigger hammer!

Sadly I'm not celver enough for a PDA so can't offer any useful advice. sorry.

At 7:49 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Well I'll just go on resetting it and grumbling then :)


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