Friday, February 17, 2006

Made hair appointment

Day looked up a bit.
Went to swim...adults barred because of half term children. But we asked about that on Tuesday!!!!! Day looked down, especially as I didn't shower this morning, knowing that I was going to be showering after swimming. AArgh!
Went to work. got involved in bank statement. Missed hair appointment. day plummeted.
Rang hair people. They were quite nice about it and we have a new appointment at 11.45 tomorrow. day improved slightly.
Went home early and showered. Day improved a good bit.
Then went out for Curry and music at the Greenham Arts Centre.
Further improvement.

OK. I'm about ready for tomorrow.


At 8:55 PM, Blogger frangelita said...

MMmmm, curry and music.

At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOVE that picture, Mig

At 12:33 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Really good curry too! Lots of interesting stuff...with new names anyway?
Thanks Dav :)

At 8:33 PM, Blogger concerned citizen said...

Just got around to your bridge comments. :) The thing is he drives a big truck. (Semi) And when your in it, it does look like you are in mid-air over bridges.

Am enjoying your pic.s I think your climate is alot like ours her in the Pacific Northwest. foggy & drizzely alot?

At 1:48 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I think I'd be scared in a big truck on a high bridge. Sort of exciting though?
Winter is pretty foggy and drizzly here...but you get odd wonderful sunny crisp days. I envy Dav the snow though, however much I hate getting cold wet feet:)


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