Monday, November 13, 2006

I've done in them flies!

But having started a post I've realised that the triumph of defeating a million flies with three spraytheroomshuthtedoorandrunawayquickly sessions has unhinged my mind. I did mention a certain amount of emptiness of the brain cells didn't I?
Well I'm fresh out of brain cell and inspiration so I'll post some pictures and bugger off to do some other cleaning and tidying stuff...all I'm fit for just now.

Whenever the sunsets got really splendid, we were in a hurry to get back to the lodge before gate closing sunset. I'm not sure if we would have been left outside with those cuddly lions and leopards if we'd been late. The general feeling was your position at sunset was non-negotiable...gates shut! Anyway, I took a lot of blurred sunsets on the move. We must have been slowing down for something when I took this one !

A splendid male overlooking the antics of a group of assorted youngsters.

Serious cuteness! (to make up for photos of disgusting eating habits...though come to think of it, this could have been dinner later!)
All together now....Aaaw!


At 3:34 AM, Blogger Kata said...

I haven't quite recovered from the fabulousness of the previous post Mig! Those zebras are stunning..and the lions...oh, the lions....

At 4:48 AM, Blogger Mel said... how cute are the zebras!!

They were NOT dinner.
They were NOT dinner.
They were NOT dinner!


At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a sad fact but sprayed chemicals are just the best thing.

At 12:19 AM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

what a sunset! awwwwwwwwwwwe-some zebras. . .


hope the flies have gone, don't want you to swallow any - otherwise you'll end up swallowing a zebra eventually. . .

At 1:33 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

dear mig

have just spent two hours wandering round Kew Gardens looking for you and a thatcher

was like looking for needle in haystack (well, it would have been if I could have found the haystack)

maybe the thatching wasn't actually at Kew Gardens? maybe it wasn't today? maybe I should have overcome my fear of being bitten and made a plan?

maybe there'll be another opportunity!

yours, slightly idiotically


At 7:30 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

The lions were a treat Mangey. We could have watched them for hours (except for the closing time business).

Lions have to eat too Mel. Oh Ok, they weren't dinner. Well not the baby anyway :)

I hope you're right Thursday. I think it will have to be done regularly too Pre-emptive spraying.

Swallowing flies is high on my list of things to avoid I. I hope you enjoyed Kew :)
The thatcher was on top of the roof of Queen Charlotte's Cottage which is at one of the furthest ends of the gardens. My feet hurt! Next time I go (which will be in a couple of weeks) I shall post an itinerary :) Which will include COFFEE quite early on as it's a long thirsty walk from one end (via everything in between plus circular trips round special trees and glasshouses) to the other :)


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