Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Some thoughts on Feng Shui

I was entranced by the discovery of Feng Shui and read lots about it. After a while I realised I was sneakily ignoring the bits I don't agree with and I thought I'd better sort out what was going on in my head. The item that came like a little prod in the ribs and said, hey, what's going on here, was the suggestion that you shuouldn't leave cupboard doors open bcause demons might get in or out through them. Uh?
Then I remembered feeling uneasy about having to align my house and arrange my belongings North/south/East/West. Not always possible. And why?
I'll assume you've heard of Feng Shui and have come across some stuff about it because I'm not good at explaining stuff...I just talk a lot :)
OK. imagine someone wanting to make their house care for them and help them on their daily 'way'. The North light changes least during the average day because the sun doesn't go there. so you might want that stable influence always at your back. And if you come from a culture that produces Haiku (wonderful short ultra disciplined poetry) you might want the effects of changing light to be in front where you can watch it. And of course the sun shining in, warms and lights up your life. And if you come from a culture where the sword is a prayer and combat is a dance, you might want the light on all that is in front of you so you can watch out for other religious dancers in whos way you might just be.
Then there's the whole clutter/space thing. After some tentative rearrangements of some of my stuff I realised some more things.
Clearing mess and arranging things so they don't fuss at you absolutely does help to clear your mind.
Mirrors that reflect above or below your line of sight cause flickers of movement to attract your attention without informing you of what they are.
A beautifully arranged room with all the things in it singing to each other is like a well composed picture. It leads the eye where the designer (you) want it to go.
Space lets in light. Each item in a room drinks up a litle bit of light.
Each cupboard door left open, becomes another light drinkng item and besides, has inside it, a darkness.
Items that have to do with illness or death are reminders of illness or death.
Colours may or may not affect your life but they may affect the way you think about your life. (there's a bit of a culture thing here...red may mean wealth (?) to a Japanese or a Russian but it means stop and anger to a European! But heat for everyone I guess. Green on the other hand probably does mean peace and coolness to most people everywhere. Even life, to people where water is scarce).
After thinking all these things (I may add more some other time) I thought, we are a highly visual species. We like light. Darkness reminds us of danger and cold and hunger.
I think Feng Shui is about keeping the dark at bay but taken a bit further to draw light in and bathe in it. It's a positive approach to darkness.
I had some other thoughts about straight lines and the upright human but I'll do that one another day.
And some other thoughts about water. Another day.


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