Tuesday, October 11, 2005

weather changing

It's been so warm these last two days, the wind blows warmth around you. You open the window and warmth wanders in. Not what I expect in an english October. Makes me wonder a bit, should we be expecting something wild. I seem to remember weather changing in a regular sort of way with the seasons but then we got the hurricane and then even a little earthquake. Not at all what you expect of english weather. So when really scary wild weather lashes the rest of the world and suddenly doesn't even leave our little island untouched well, you start to wonder. What next. We shouldn't rely on the unchanging natural order of things. Especially here, where as people keep pointing out we just fall apart when the weather goes a bit further than we're used to. And of course the human race has a short memory. we think becasue a thing has been so all our lives thaty's how it always is. But the Earth does change, shakes its whole skin every so often and thinks about a little dance, a bit of a change of clothing, new shoes. Turn up the heat a bit and raise the volume.
Well here's a picture of sky full of water waiting to fall.


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