Two things that blogger needs
These are not all my own idea, Flickr has them and it makes life soooooo much easier.
'Recent activity' and 'check on comments you've made'.
The one lists all the comments that have appeared on your site since your last login and the other lists all the comments that follow the ones you've made.
In fact I'd be quite happy to re-read all the posts I've commented on to see if there's any more to follow if only I had another four or five hours in the average day.
As Barney says often and exasperatingly, 'these computers are meant to make things quicker aren't they'?
He's back and it's very nice to have him back but I'm wondering how actively he'll be sleeping tonight. I get hooked on a peaceful night's sleep very quickly. In fact I think I'll go and try for one now.
what Barney said really made me laugh!
when I think how my mother used to type the occasional letter out for my father (he would dictate naturally), and she'd write - longhand - to her best friend in New Zealand once a month and receive a letter to read once a month
how much time I spend typing/corresponding these days
I have letters written by my father to various people. He was very proud of his handwriting (of course, as a GP it was quite illegible, but very pleasing). I think he got a kick out of seeing the pattern on the page and he used to love trying out new coloured ink.
He would dash off a note or a letter like I will an email!
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