Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Art : - Could do better.

This evening, after opening the fridge door to a waft of excessive cheesinesss, I decided. the camembert has to be dealt with. I got it out with every intention of wrapping it in several layers of plastic bag.
Then I ate it.
Well that solved that problem.

It's been one of those days when things get done. Mostly by sweeping them up or under with scant attention to detail. As it's also been a day for suddenly dropping everything to run out with the camera muttering and cursing the sun's timing.
So here we have a puddle, transformed by sunshine into twinkling stars (I wax lyrical. Excuse me)
And raindrops, still lying on the blades of grass after a whole day of sun
And the house transformed by the Infra red filter. Who'd have thought cutting out visible light would make everything so bright!

Going back a bit, Canal trips involve a good deal of effort and technical stuff (of which, more in a minute) but the vast majority of the time is spent watching the banks go by at a steady 3 miles an hour.
It's rather nice.
As well as doing things and being distracted by the sun, I had the idea I might draw a diagram for Mel to explain locks. All I can say is, mice are not good drawing tools. I think it's the fur?
So I gave up on explaining and just made a, well, one of these, what do you call it? A picture. I'm sorry there's only one very small duck but really, you know, drawing with a mouse!

I wonder if any more cheese needs eating up. . . .

(you'll notice that even when behaving like a small child, my sense of composition is faultless and at least half of my perspective It would work better with the other half of course but small children lack application see)

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At 2:03 PM, Blogger Mel said...

*happily giggling*

Ohhhhhh...look! A duckie and fishies and flowery things and STUFF! That sucker's gonna be on the refridgerator with all the prized artwork! LOL

I get the duckie and little boats going down the stairsteps, it's the up that I can't quite grasp. Himself assures me that if you can make the water go down, you can go up. *frowning*
I'll spare you what my little warped mind did with that one. LOL
If and when he makes me a small scale model of it, I'll be sure to post a photo. LOL

Yep.....ON the refridgerator it goes! I know 'all rights are reserved'......I do hope you don't mind the liberty I'm taking. (I've confessed many times over that I'm a thief....LOL)

The twinkling leaves and banks of the river....absolutely beautiful.
I'm thinkin' that filtery thingy was so worth the investment!

Quack quack waddle waddle....I LOVE the duckie in the lock.

At 5:44 AM, Blogger Mel said...


Woooohoooo for mouse photos and a patient Brit!
I even get how they meet in the middle!

Yeah, yeah......probably shoulda held out and acted like I didn't get it to see if I could get that working scale model. LOL But I GEAT IT!

And my picture is happily occuping space on the fridge! :-)

At 10:51 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

OOh well done Mel and well done The Brit :) (especially well done if you got it with any help from the mouse picture!!!!)


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