Thursday, April 27, 2006

Another kind of owl. I wish I could have an embroidered silk shirt made of this one.
I once read an article in which a respected photographer pointed out that to ignore the trappings of civilisation in photos of the countryside is to try and impose a sentimental view of unspoilt nature on the true image. Photographer (as artist) might do better to make the photo describe and express reality than to try and brush reality under the darkroom carpet.
This can be difficult..Our wonderful views are all neatly bisected by wires and cables which are not elegantly disposed to enhance the picture. But for once I thought these wires did their cat's cradle thing rather well and the lamp posts even arranged themselves nicely for me.
Last week's blossom


At 1:42 AM, Blogger Kata said...

Word. Those are some tattered wings on that moth~! Great photos as usual my pet and great photo philosophy as well!

At 8:02 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Isn't the most amazing texture. I so want it on a shirt. Or a woollie.


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