Sunday, January 15, 2006

All came out OK in the end

One big advantage of being a GP* instead of an HM (harassed Mum) is thinking "oh well it's only for a couple of days, she can eat what she likes this time"
We went on a shopping expedition (to get a pink quilt cover and some food) and ended up in Sainsbury's restaurant. GB said firmly she wanted the chicken curry because she likes spicy food. I got ham egg and chips on the assumption that if she didn't like the chicken curry she'd eat a few of my chips and not need to go hungry or fill up on biscuits.
In fact it worked out really well. She had two mouthfuls of her curry and very kindly offered to exchange lunches. So I had a fairly painless chicken curry and she had ham egg and chips. The ham was particularly acceptable, vanishing rather in the manner of lettuce into a rabbit's mouth. With quite impressive speed and efficiency.
When I was trying to bring up children, I used to worry about whether they'd had enough or whether they'd whinge or be hungry later. Now I find myself quite easily able to accept that enough is enough. We abandon whatever is left and go on to other things. If she says "I don't want any more " I believe her. When she says "I a bit hungry Grandma" I look at the clock instead of wondering if she ate enough last mealtime. Oh how I wish we'd known how easy this is a few years ago!
Later, Mummy came to collect her and we had the extra delight of watching them being happy together.
Worth the lack of sleep and quantities of stress. Love and trust and fitting togetherness is a lovely thing to see.

Anyway, Ruth's christmas present to me has been arriving in bits and bottles. She's been giving me bottles of very nice wine from the restaurant wine list and I must say, the latest one is quite heavenly.

This is a part of the kitchen that only Tosca can reach, and that, only (as far as you can tell) by flying. So please excuse cobwebs, dirty paw marks and other stuff.

Newbury from the roof of the multi storey car park.

*No no, Grandparent.


At 8:14 AM, Blogger Urban Chick said...

aw, your daughter (?) and granddaughter look lovely together

and i am going to try and pick up your grandparently wisdom about not stressing re the food thing!

At 5:40 PM, Blogger Kyahgirl said...

that was a great post! I liked having a window into your life for a moment :-)

we made a vow when we had kids that we wouldn't stress about food. We try, but sometimes its hard. However,they are both thriving so I guess enough realy is enough!

At 10:14 PM, Blogger frangelita said...

Nice pix! surely food is not such a big deal as long as there is roughly enough?

Boy I wish it were that simple when you were grown up (ish)

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Juggling Mother said...

I stressed about the food thing with Mstr A.

I'm too stressed to worry about food now! LMB & LMD get food dumped in front of them each mealtime & the bowl is removed again 30 mins later whether they ate anything or not. If they ask for food inbetween they gat fruit, cos I don't have to prepare anything:-)

It's probably better for them, but LMB is a skinny little runt, so maybe not;-)

At 9:03 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

As long as they are growing and getting on with life they must be OK.
It was our oldest who we tried so hard with, who spent all his early years looking like a little stick. And he's done alright in the end too.
Mrs A: Less fuss and lots of fruit must be better for the digestion :)


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