Sunday, July 01, 2007

Straight and narrow view.

I didn't hear about this on the telly*. It seems unimaginative and insular, to me, that news coverage of floods at home doesn't throw in a reference to the rest of the world.

*probably because I don't watch the telly much.

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At 2:01 PM, Blogger Mel said...

Gosh. Himself gives me the news of importance..and he failed to mention this.

He did mutter about the new Prime Minister, though.......which lead to a rather lengthy moment of orating. LOL Oh wise me of no opinion! LOLOL NOT!

At 2:38 PM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Well did he mention the floods in England? Very small beer (or water) on the global scale.
But I agree Mel. LOLOL NOT! Yep! One of those moments when it is truly wise to have no opinion :)

At 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had absolutely no idea about this.

At 11:26 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

Not just me being too lazy to watch the news then! I just looked through my RSS feed list which happens to have a news feed on it. Idly. And then I thought maybe this happened weeks ago and I just wasn't paying attention. Nope! Last Tuesday!

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Mel said...

Isn't it curious what gets the media's time and attention and what doesn't.

If I hear one more word about Paris Hilton, I'm gonna throwup.

Really....I mean it! LOL

At 12:36 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I'll join you. Why is she called that anyway? Whoever she is.

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Mel said...

Maybe for the number of people who sleep there?

OMGosh......*hanging head and going to the corner*
My bad.... Naughty!


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